Having an extremely hard time right now. Splitting up with my boyfriend, kinda? It’s all so confusing. My best is getting a divorce and her husband calls me and tells me he’s had a crush on my since we met, which has been 6 1/2 years. Wow crazy to deal with. Trying to let her know I’m only there for her f him. And deal with my own stuff with my boyfriend. I got myself a kitty to help with a bad depression thing I’m going through. Haven’t been this bad in years and years. Got another ana test done since I was having alot of muscle weakness and pain in my back and shoulders. It came back negative so no chances to see rheumatologist. Dr wants to put me on prozac, but I said I’ll wait to see psychologic and see what they say. Now I get to go to a physical therapist for my back pain. I’m so tired :,( so tired and feel weak physically and mentally, I don’t know what to do or think anymore. So freaking out all the time. Need to do meditation or relaxation :,(
Hi Beck,
Meditation or yoga would be a great idea. It helps to calm the mind and find inner peace. Yoga also helps the body release tension that we didn't even realize we were holding in our backs, hips or shoulders. This has always been a great help for me mentally and physically. One class for about an hour an a half a week would be a good start. Yoga is one of the best things a doctor ever suggested to me. I hope you give it a try.
Beck, your kitty looks really sweet. What’s his/her name? Animals are great comfort through difficulties.
I’m sorry to hear of the breakup and your depression. I agree that yoga and meditation would be good for you in many ways. Big hugs. Hang in there.
His name is Harvey and has already been so helpful. I love yoga, I do my own kind some times, guess I need to start doing it more. Thanks guys