Life with Lupus members, 15 runners will be joining the Houston MudRun on May 25 to raise money for Ben's Friends. Might you willing to make a brief video thanking the runners that Ben's Friends can post on our Facebook event page? In your video, you would let the runners know who you are (first name, username, or any name you choose to use) and how your Ben's Friends community has made a difference to you. If you are interested, please let me know. Thank you for supporting Ben's Friends!
Wow, interesting. Ben's friends community made a differences in my life understand what lupus is and making me aware what I have to look forward to. Ben's friends community helps me too make new friends who lived with lupus longer than I have and encouraging words to find the strength to get up in the mornings and planning my days. Making new friends who understands that you're not fighting this disease alone and provides very important information to where to turn too in needs to help finding the right doctor and learning about the medications and inspiring stories from other lupus friends.
That's great to hear, Liz!
lizluvsu said:
Wow, interesting. Ben's friends community made a differences in my life understand what lupus is and making me aware what I have to look forward to. Ben's friends community helps me too make new friends who lived with lupus longer than I have and encouraging words to find the strength to get up in the mornings and planning my days. Making new friends who understands that you're not fighting this disease alone and provides very important information to where to turn too in needs to help finding the right doctor and learning about the medications and inspiring stories from other lupus friends.
I will do it!
Send me a friend request please. My phone isn’t acting right. Ty
Destiny made a terrific video, everyone!
Blushing, awe shucks. Seeing if it will post.