Being strong for everyone else than how do we take our turn?

There come a time when scientific results are certain. There is a very certain connection between FM and PTSD. Basically they both involve the hippocampus. The release of cortisol endorphine ect can shrink the hippocampus overtime in the realms of tramatic events. Whatever they may be. This in turns effects the hippocampus release of endorphine and adrenaline to the body, causing pain. I am a true believer that STRESS effects our bodies effectiveness to the pain thereshold. Some humans can handle it their whole lives, then there are others like ourselves whose body turns on us and says"Hey Enough Already!"

MY whole life I was the strong one, the one that could see through all distraught. The one the always "managed" to make it through. Well ,now it's time to re-evaluated this life of lives. How many hats have I worn in this life? How many times have I put others need before my precious own? How do I learn to live a "quiet" calm life? How do I re-learn to live for myself? I can't hide from life all together, this isnt working either! I just got back from a beautiful vacation, no worries , no stress, have felt better than I have in months. How do I stay on vacation forever? I have been home for two days and I am still in vacation mode scared to come back to my life. Avoidance is a big issue in my life. I am fortunate enough not to have to be slave to an alarm clock. But just thinking about a schedule can make me stress, then comes the pain.

The person above who wrote this actually belongs to another support site..she said i could show it as long as her name was not in it..which it is not.

I also have PTSD(post traumatic stress syndrome)...if you do not know what it is..i had traumatic event(s) in my life that certain things can bring me right back to it and have flash backs. They also say this is what can trigger our diseases.. like what is said in 1st paragraph above.

I use to go to my parents cabin that had no phone and no was up in the Sierra's near South Lake Tahoe. A beautiful gem of a lake surrounded by jutting peaks that are just waiting for me to climb...i felt as a kid. As adult i bring my best friend or husband with stack of books for us to read! I read early in the am on the deck than hike all afternoon! It was wonderful, quiet, smelled of peace and pine trees with juniper and sage thrown in for good measure!

Than as she says...great no alarm clocks but how do we stay on vacation forever?

I know like her that i must find a way to let go of the stress as hard as it may be for me and try and pretend I am just on vacation and relax! It is okay!

Some call it handing it over ...i just felt she said it so well that i hope you all enjoy it as much because it is so true. We must try and relax and enjoy life or else we will just keep getting sicker sadly. So look for double rainbows for us all instead!! love lg

what an insightful and relevant post. Yes...I firmly believe that trauma played a part in my disease---like you say, we are stromg for so long and then we break down.

I can remember being so scared when I went to bed that I thought my bed was shaking because a demon or something was there--they night I finally realiized it was my own heart pounding---pounding so hard it shook my bed--was a little bit of relief--at least it was not demonic...but it still pounded and pounded like that forever.

...and then...and then... and then...

and finally in my 40's, I broke.

But I am on the mend. We can do this thing! We can help one another stay strong and relaxed. I truly believe that lwl is playing a huge part in my way to health---and that we will be alive and part of the celebration when a cure for Lupus is reported on every news channel in the world


I broke too finally...about time i found out that on top of SLE and RA plus other health issues that i now had fibro as well. My personal life was falling to pieces around me. I moved so did not have any close friends near by. It was really bad time.

I know from i will call it..that many people tend to view me very differently. Some do not give me even the

option to attend a function that before i would have be included automatically! is well..i know you need your rest or it is so far for you ..i said give me the chance at least in case i do feel well i will come.

I am not beginning to feel like some just cannot handle seeing me as body is slowly but surely falling apart.

i know it is hard on my in one way it is good she cannot see or know all the truth.

I was in my late 40/early 50's...remember my 50th bday was all alone...very depressing considering some other birthdays i had not so long ago.

I appreciate you sharing..i should have said that i also have well Ptsd. Yea did you the sites i sent

about Lupus in world news? Well one is finally caucus has been form in Congress to finally deal just with

lupus..all kinds of it..but to push for research to find a answer, cure ..something to make it more livable. I sure would appreciate that kind of discovery...i do not want to end up with depending on others to take care of me.

So fight it daily to keep moving....stretching etc...and do my best to stay informed.

Thanks janice ...i know sharing something so intimate is not easy. Also...i did not write the original top piece but another woman who has both fibro and ptsd..maybe sle on other forum did and i asked her permission.

really touched me very deeply and happy it reached you as well. love lg

Hi Siskiyousis, Janice.

Wow! What great posts. On top of everything else, I was recently diagnosed as being bi-polar. Talk about being viewed like a leper....<shudder> I've had a few "breaks" too, and I understand how they can affect your whole life. Some of the "crazy" things I've done, either while manic, or at the other end of the spectrum and trying to escape the pain are pathetic. But what can ya do? With a body that is sickly all over, and a brain that is severely off track (heck it's not even near the right track! <smirk>) I am learning to take a few moments of escapism wherever I can find them.

Believe it or not, I play video games. They're mostly called RPG's, that stands for role playing games. They are games with an in depth storyline, mysteries to solve, bad guys to take down and lots of treasures to find.

Playing these games helps me to focus on something other than my pain (mental or physical) for a little while, and so I heartily recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to escape a little bit.

Just my two cents, anyway.

Take care folks, and be safe

i am so happy to hear your two cents tinging as the drop in the kettle with ours!

I wonder if or when science will realize that mental/physical/spiritual/creative/hardworking/needing rest/needing one another/need to laugh/and cry/and dream and dare---we are all that and more--a whole package deal and start to treat us accordingly

Hello Janice!

I'm sure you know already, but "science" is always the last to learn anything! <LOL>


Is that your real name? or one taken from the series Sword of Truth? I play RPG's in fact i helped a young man who was in abusive family out so he could go to college he dreamed of...becoming game programmer. He originally got me started on Oblivion because you get to pick flowers and ride horses and it all seemed so real..was fascinating to me. Now i am playing Skyrim...sequel to Oblivion! I also play WOW off and on. is excellent way to help forget your pain etc plus nice way to meet people on the one like WOW!

As to bi polar...i have friend who was so bad she did not know who she was and where she was for over 4 days! She drove from Sacramento down to LA. She was very strong drugs but now...due to using Ayurveda and her belief in God or power higher than ourselves...oh and she now has diabetes type 2 even. So just goes to show that you never know what is going to be around the corner!

I love to hear about what games you are playing or like. love lg
Kayhlan said:

Hi Siskiyousis, Janice.

Wow! What great posts. On top of everything else, I was recently diagnosed as being bi-polar. Talk about being viewed like a leper....<shudder> I've had a few "breaks" too, and I understand how they can affect your whole life. Some of the "crazy" things I've done, either while manic, or at the other end of the spectrum and trying to escape the pain are pathetic. But what can ya do? With a body that is sickly all over, and a brain that is severely off track (heck it's not even near the right track! <smirk>) I am learning to take a few moments of escapism wherever I can find them.

Believe it or not, I play video games. They're mostly called RPG's, that stands for role playing games. They are games with an in depth storyline, mysteries to solve, bad guys to take down and lots of treasures to find.

Playing these games helps me to focus on something other than my pain (mental or physical) for a little while, and so I heartily recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to escape a little bit.

Just my two cents, anyway.

Take care folks, and be safe

what actual games do you play? Any online ones?

I will tell this to others....when i broke down emotionally, the idiot doctors on my case just tossed about every drug at me so i was zombie person. I swear that people have since told me, that i was drooling in public in classes. Talk about embarrassing....guess it was something i really rather not know.

I slowly after few years of those drugs...and they add more due to problems, most likely from interactions between all the drugs I was on. Oh yes..i was told after 5 min exam that i have to be on all these drugs for rest of my life. Let me give you this much background....that I had about 3 really bad things happen all within few months and just was too much without any near by friends to help was not like i felt really bad for no reasons.

I got sick and slowly weaned myself off all the drugs. Thankfully my GP and new Pain Doctor both helped with it and encouraged me against the other doctors wishes. They even wrote letters to them stating they had over drugged me and sad part was i was not first person they seen them do this too. The stupid pysch doc is still the only one in northern Calif 2 most highest centrally located counties.

reason is all those drugs did huge damage to my brain and memory ability. I did 'brain games' every day when i first began weaning off those horrible drugs. I slowly got most of my original brain function back but i still think there is some damage from all those useless drugs. I am very lucky i did not die from them all! Seriously. i would walk around and swear i see dead people...once i called my neighbors because i thought someone was dirt biking late a night and light kept shining in my eyes when they hit this one turn. My neighbor was so nice...she met me out front and calmly said look there is no one there. I felt so ashamed and humiliation...but that was night i said that is it i am getting off all these drugs!

So video games online especially ones that say they are designed for brain fun and function, like puzzles, soduku, and some sites really have just difficult brain games that you can start at your level and work up.

My husband was/is over medicated but he does not take most of the drugs they give him every day which is good. Other wise he be zombie and he is mean when he is over medicated. His memory is not as great and he is getting frustrated now because I constantly am correct about events that happen between us. So now i have him working on them....they are fun games! It is not like you are working or doing homework....but you sure improve your brain power!

So if any of you are foggy feeling, or have hard time recalling things ..must write it down or you forget simple things....than just do a search for brain games and will be not needing to write things down sooner than you think!

But i love to know what video games everyone plays! My friend ..the programmer, he plays with this almost 90 year old English woman! He figures most are middle age men i like to say Nah us women are playing just as much!! share your favorite RPG Games or online games...even ones on smart phones for I phones. siskiyou
siskiyousis said:


Is that your real name? or one taken from the series Sword of Truth? I play RPG's in fact i helped a young man who was in abusive family out so he could go to college he dreamed of...becoming game programmer. He originally got me started on Oblivion because you get to pick flowers and ride horses and it all seemed so real..was fascinating to me. Now i am playing Skyrim...sequel to Oblivion! I also play WOW off and on. is excellent way to help forget your pain etc plus nice way to meet people on the one like WOW!

As to bi polar...i have friend who was so bad she did not know who she was and where she was for over 4 days! She drove from Sacramento down to LA. She was very strong drugs but now...due to using Ayurveda and her belief in God or power higher than ourselves...oh and she now has diabetes type 2 even. So just goes to show that you never know what is going to be around the corner!

I love to hear about what games you are playing or like. love lg
Kayhlan said:

Hi Siskiyousis, Janice.

Wow! What great posts. On top of everything else, I was recently diagnosed as being bi-polar. Talk about being viewed like a leper....<shudder> I've had a few "breaks" too, and I understand how they can affect your whole life. Some of the "crazy" things I've done, either while manic, or at the other end of the spectrum and trying to escape the pain are pathetic. But what can ya do? With a body that is sickly all over, and a brain that is severely off track (heck it's not even near the right track! <smirk>) I am learning to take a few moments of escapism wherever I can find them.

Believe it or not, I play video games. They're mostly called RPG's, that stands for role playing games. They are games with an in depth storyline, mysteries to solve, bad guys to take down and lots of treasures to find.

Playing these games helps me to focus on something other than my pain (mental or physical) for a little while, and so I heartily recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to escape a little bit.

Just my two cents, anyway.

Take care folks, and be safe