Anyone with Lupus who doesn't take meds for it?

Life insurance companies can and do use pre-existing medical info also disability insurances

Hey Carrie, Do you mean that that your doctor deleted the med from the list of current meds being taken? Not the diagnosis or symptoms?

I have to agree with Lone Wolf...this is more of a Spiritual path then a health just looks like Lupus.

When we are brought to our knees by suffering we learn the truth of who we are. Although, I appreciate and respect the good most doctors provide...

many of my medical problems were by mistakes and poor judgement by various doctors...meanwhile I put my faith in them.

Not Gods but mere mortals...My lesson is to learn to forgive and move on...each of us is so special...but make no mistake about it...meds have side effects...know what is going into your that is all ready immune dysfunctional.

I go without meds until I have a flare up...then I chose depending how severe it appears to be. I am concerned about my liver and kidneys first. When well.... I try to support my GI tract and skin. Our skin is the largest detox organ of the body.

Protect myself from the sun, lights and fires that might trigger a photo-dens reaction.I wish you all well moments that last

a lifetime. Wingwalker

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Still question the reasoning.

poobie said:

Life insurance companies can and do use pre-existing medical info also disability insurances

I think that if you ever decided not to take prescription meds for lupus, you ought to look into alternatives. If you don't take anything at all, your organs can fail in a heart beat. Talk to your doctor(s) before making the decision to stop your lupus medicine(s). NEVER and I repeat, NEVER stop your meds without speaking with your doctor first.

I only take a few meds and they are for symptoms I.e. Pain med or sleep aids.

Hi lynn4545,

You have asked the very question I myself have been pondering. At this point in time, I have been fighting this battle for over 15 years now. Lots of meds have been tried, most have failed. I had tried at one point to stop taking plaquenil and in the space of four days, I could barely function. Now that I know what I am truly dealing with, I believe the results would be different. I will keep you updated if I decide to try stopping my meds. I wish you the best if you decide too. I think I would lower the dose a little at a time though. Can't imagine it would be in our best interest to stop all at once. I plan on keeping a journal to keep track of what is happening and how I am feeling. I can't remember details as well anymore. Again, best of luck and please be careful.

Hi elfin66:

I am thinking of stopping my plaquinil in the fall. Have you already stopped yours? How are you feelinhg?

elfin66 said:

Hi lynn4545,

You have asked the very question I myself have been pondering. At this point in time, I have been fighting this battle for over 15 years now. Lots of meds have been tried, most have failed. I had tried at one point to stop taking plaquenil and in the space of four days, I could barely function. Now that I know what I am truly dealing with, I believe the results would be different. I will keep you updated if I decide to try stopping my meds. I wish you the best if you decide too. I think I would lower the dose a little at a time though. Can't imagine it would be in our best interest to stop all at once. I plan on keeping a journal to keep track of what is happening and how I am feeling. I can't remember details as well anymore. Again, best of luck and please be careful.

i remember i went to the emergency department because i had a terrible coughing fit. It disturb everyone and myself in class so i finally go to the hospital. The nurse is a friend of my mom and she said she had lupus too but not to the extent of prescribed medicine by the doctor, then she said one of the prednisoloneā€™s side effect is decrease in bone density but my mom told me to ignore her and continue taking my meds but iā€™m so sick of it. I was mad when i found out what they side effects were and i was more upset that it caused my weight gain.
I was fine when i was wearing NGT, so i canā€™t taste the medicine (and i admit, it felt nice when cold liquid enter my stomach), now i have to take it orally, i hate it so much.

I know If i can jsut change my diet and lifestyle, have a way to relieve stress and whatnot, I can live my life without taking medicinesā€¦(well atleast i think soā€¦)

Iā€™m 58 and Iā€™ve had Lupus since about the age of 18. Iā€™ve been mostly drug free (after dumping all my meds in the trash many years ago over frustration of all the side effects). I know some people need meds because of organ failures etc., but I believe that Iā€™m one who does much better without all the meds. I recently returned to meds for various reasons and once againā€¦the meds are going in the trash! I still have no organ involvement, so Iā€™m going to take a more naturopathic approach. I take Turmeric but maybe Iā€™ll try Curcumin. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s stronger since it IS the active ingredient in Turmeric? How much do you take a day? Itā€™s wonderful that it is working so well for you! I need to get this inflammation under controlā€¦naturally! Good post!

I had a five year period when I was in remission and didnt take anything but when I flared again it hit me hard temps of 106.8 since then I have been trying to find the right mix between natural treatments and traditional protocols I have found for me red borneo kratum worked wonders for my pain but drove my potassium so high I almost landed in the hospital currently I am trying CBD with the goal to get off the oxycodone and tylenol So I read everything I can about new treatments and potential cures knowledge is powerful God Bless

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Last January 3 days after I was diagnosed with Lupus I ended in urgent care for pericarditis. I was given medication and sent home. Two weeks later pain was not better and I ended in the ER. The Dr sent me home and said he couldnā€™t find anything wrong with me. One week after that I managed to make an appointment with my regular Dr and she sent me back to the ER. I was hospitalized for 3 days. My kidneys were failing and my pericarditis turned to pericardial effusion. It took time for me to get back on my feet and to stop feeling pain, to be able to breath and walk w/o feeling out of breath. I really thought I was going to die. I am now taking plaquenil as well as other meds. I have not had a flared up in a while. When I donā€™t take my meds for more than 3 days I start feeling some pain. Iā€™m in a path of trying to change my eating habits and live a healthier life. I am lucky in the sense that my Lupus is not as aggressive as many others and I am thankful for that. When i was in constant pain it was hell. I donā€™t ever wish that on anyone. I canā€™t imagine what life would be like without the meds that I am currently taking. Would I like to try holistic alternatives? sure, i donā€™t want to poison my body, but itā€™s not always possible to live w/o meds. When I was diagnosed I was working out every day, I was eating healthier and I was also in the worst pain. Going to the gym every day was painful but I pushed through. I think Iā€™m ranting now. Iā€™m just thankful that I feel better today than I did a year ago and I thank the meds that I am now taking.