Anyone have any tricks on sleeping?

I haven’t slept in days. And I’m so exhausted and in so much pain! Does anyone have any tricks on sleeping? I am so frustrated right now. I feel like I’m losing my mind!

Hello Tiffany,

My self in general can't help because before i was taking meds i never had trouble going to sleep and now i'm highly drugged once in bed i'm gone.

Here's a link on tips to help you but other member's may have some idea's also for you.

((Hugs & kisses)) Terri xxx

The most helpful things for me (non-medication-wise) have been:

Relaxation/Meditation CD's

A book called "The Power of Now"

Changing the way I think about sleep, because i used to have panic attacks before bed because I had gone full nights without sleeping. Then I would start worrying about not being able to fall asleep, and what I had to get done the next day. A sleep Dr. once asked me "What's the worst thing that could happen if you don't sleep"? And I said, "Well, I will feel horrible, and get depressed and not get anything done". But if you can tell yourself it's okay if you don't sleep then maybe you won't have so much anxiety about it.

Start a 'sleep' journal. Things you ate, naps you took, how many times you woke up in the night, how many hrs. total for each night, etc.

Also, they say that if you're lying awake in bed, you should get up and read or do something and try again later. I know this is easier said than done!

I really really feel for you, and I hope you get through it without having to go on meds. I ultimately had to take anti-anxiety meds for sleep and am still on them. I have children to take care of so the benefits outwiegh the risk for me. I struggled for years before finally finding the right med that works. But I also incorporate the above as it is helpful when i still have times my mind is reeling. I know what it's like to feel like you're losing your mind from lack of sleep. Can you see a sleep specialist? What type of pain do you have? Pain can cause sleep problems. Is there any emotional baggage you're holding on to? Talking to someone helps with that element.

Best wishes and I'm sending you good sleep vibes.......

Ty both! :slight_smile:

Hi Tiffany, it is just bad, bad, bad, because it is all such a cycle when you go thru the sleeping issues, without the sleep the pain gets worse, less sleep with more pain and then to top it all off you end up completely losing your mind and sleep deprivation causes the depression, anxiety and all the other crap… first you need to tell yourself you will take control of this, think about your excercise and your routines… it will help big time if you can get some good patterns of both sorted out but seriously in the meantime you might need to look at some medications to get you thru the next few days so you can sleep and get your head around the excercise, routines and pain relief, just remember always you can beat this, dont let the Lupus win… good luck and hang in there

Ty for your support! I’m trying so hard to do it without meds. It’s just so hard. And my doctor won’t give me anything but tramadol. Which I used at night to sleep. But my refills are gone. And she just won’t give me anymore because I’m so young. But I’m in hell right now. But she.doesn’t seem to care!

JON said:

Hi Tiffany, it is just bad, bad, bad, because it is all such a cycle when you go thru the sleeping issues, without the sleep the pain gets worse, less sleep with more pain and then to top it all off you end up completely losing your mind and sleep deprivation causes the depression, anxiety and all the other crap… first you need to tell yourself you will take control of this, think about your excercise and your routines… it will help big time if you can get some good patterns of both sorted out but seriously in the meantime you might need to look at some medications to get you thru the next few days so you can sleep and get your head around the excercise, routines and pain relief, just remember always you can beat this, dont let the Lupus win… good luck and hang in there

hey Tiffany, if your doctor wont help you out with some meds on the bad days maybe you could look at some natural sleep medicines for insomnia, it is worth a try, not sure about tramadol it can be funny for some people but maybe even something like valium which in small doses could just lessen your anxiety about sleep and help you relax... i am certainly not a doctor just a wife with some ideas to share.... good luck Jude

I agree with you! I dont want any strong meds. I am honestly trying to cope with it without meds. Some days are just so hard though. And I’m not proud of it. They tried me on celebrex and.cymbalta. Neither worked for me. I have tried other things to sleep too. Like sleepy time tea. Or melatonin. Abd even marihuana

JON said:

hey Tiffany, if your doctor wont help you out with some meds on the bad days maybe you could look at some natural sleep medicines for insomnia, it is worth a try, not sure about tramadol it can be funny for some people but maybe even something like valium which in small doses could just lessen your anxiety about sleep and help you relax… i am certainly not a doctor just a wife with some ideas to share… good luck Jude

i have heard that cymbalta is good for fibro i think it is a antidepressent also, remember it can take some weeks for meds to really work. How old are you Tiffany? I really think that your doc may need to look at what is stopping you from sleeping and then work out the best plan for helping. Remember if your not happy with what your doctor is advising you it is good to research yourself. There are some safe althernatives around. Your not alone, people can help. x Jude

Hello Jude,

I used to be on 40mg of valium years back to help my seizures and now i'm cut to 5mg daily but if Tiffany can get just that some amount off her Doctor that's a good way of helping her sleep because they carm the cells in the brain besides the nerves also...i do know that within 20mins of taking one with all my other meds i'm in coma land.

Here in the UK they've been took off the market so they can be handed out left right and centre but only given to patients now who really need them.

((Hugs Terri)) xxx

P.S Tiffany worth asking about.

JON said:

hey Tiffany, if your doctor wont help you out with some meds on the bad days maybe you could look at some natural sleep medicines for insomnia, it is worth a try, not sure about tramadol it can be funny for some people but maybe even something like valium which in small doses could just lessen your anxiety about sleep and help you relax... i am certainly not a doctor just a wife with some ideas to share.... good luck Jude

Hi Tiffany,

Here's another link which may help yourself besides other member's suffering from sleeping and it refers to different issues.

Ty for the links. I’m doing a lil, better today. Idk about the sleeping part yet though. Lol…and jude, I am 23 so that is why I think the doctor isn’t taking me seriously. I’m not going in there asking for meds, just to get an answer and help! they did try me on cymbalta. My body wouldn’t take to it. Made me vomit everyday a few times a day. Had to quit taking it.

Hello Tiffany,

Nice to hear your doing abit better today....lack of sleep is terrible and seeing my own hubby go through it with insomnia is terrible.

I've been like yourself though in the past with some doctor's...wheather it's the age or what but they do make you feel like your saying things just for the sake of it...when it's actual help you do need.

((Hugs to you)) Terri xxx

I have found that if I get something really boring to read...and make myself read it (as opposed to letting my mind run a million miles a minute worrying and examining too many other things) I will eventually fall asleep. I've been an insomniac most of my life...and so far...this is the thing that works best. It doesn't hurt if you take a night-time cold capsule either. Best of luck to you. The one thing I know is that getting stressed about the lack of sleep...only makes it worse and builds a habit of fear connected to sleep. Perhaps paxil will relieve the anxiety for a bit and you can then sleep.

I know! I do have an appointment next week. With a new doctor! Hoping for some answers!

Tez_20 said:

Hello Tiffany,

Nice to hear your doing abit better today…lack of sleep is terrible and seeing my own hubby go through it with insomnia is terrible.

I’ve been like yourself though in the past with some doctor’s…wheather it’s the age or what but they do make you feel like your saying things just for the sake of it…when it’s actual help you do need.

((Hugs to you)) Terri xxx

Ty! I agree once I do stop stressing it’s a lil easier to fall asleep for awhile. But I can never stay asleep!

Loo said:

I have found that if I get something really boring to read…and make myself read it (as opposed to letting my mind run a million miles a minute worrying and examining too many other things) I will eventually fall asleep. I’ve been an insomniac most of my life…and so far…this is the thing that works best. It doesn’t hurt if you take a night-time cold capsule either. Best of luck to you. The one thing I know is that getting stressed about the lack of sleep…only makes it worse and builds a habit of fear connected to sleep. Perhaps paxil will relieve the anxiety for a bit and you can then sleep.


I wish you the very best of luck with this Doctor and lets hope he/she as an open mind to listen to you properly and to also look into issues more. xxx

Tiffany89 said:

I know! I do have an appointment next week. With a new doctor! Hoping for some answers!

Tez_20 said:

Hello Tiffany,

Nice to hear your doing abit better today....lack of sleep is terrible and seeing my own hubby go through it with insomnia is terrible.

I've been like yourself though in the past with some doctor's...wheather it's the age or what but they do make you feel like your saying things just for the sake of it...when it's actual help you do need.

((Hugs to you)) Terri xxx

Ty everyone for the advice!

Hi Tiffany,

My heart goes out to you as I suffered with insomnia for years. I have unsuccessfully tried about 4 different meds but they either didn't work or left me in such a fog that I couldn't function. I don't recommend it.

Grab your smartphone and some headphones. Here are three free apps that I use when I'm having difficulty: "Sleep Machine Lite", "Sleep Pillow", and "Sleep Stream2". I have an iPhone but these may also be available for Android as well. You can pick your favorite sounds like falling rain, thunderstorm, ocean waves, etc.

Give it a try. Good luck.

Hi Tiffany,

The advice blackunicorn as given sounds alright and worth trying...especially himself having insomina and it takes some things to help that condition. xxx