
Ok, so I take anti-depressants for depression. No biggie. However, for the last say 2 months or so I've noticed that my anxiety levels are on the rise. I can't sleep well b/c my mind is forever racing. The very idea of speaking to people, especially those I don't know, has me over the edge with anxiety. Sometimes even being with people i do know and feel comfortable with is too much for me to bear! I tremble, heart palpatations, and want to generally run back into my dark bedroom. (it must be dark!)

My PCP put me on Klonopin for the anxiety but only for a short time. She gave me one more refill, but if things don't improve she says she wants to do an MRI of my brain to see...I don't know what. In the meantime, I took her advice and got myself back into therapy for some traumatic events in my early life. I'm really hoping that will help soon. What's really worrying me is, if I have to have another MRI, that's more money I don't have to spend.

My health is taking a toll for the worse and all I worry about sometimes is money! Sometimes I feel like I'm not worth all the money I'm draining my family of.

I had that problem too. I was on Prozac for a few years and it was like it suddenly stopped working or my anxiety just busted through. I started having panic attacks, not being able to sleep, my mind going a mile a minute, etc. Turns out, my body just got so used to Prozac I just needed to switch to a different med. I went to urgent care and they gave me a two week prescription for Xanax until I could get into my GP. GP put me on Lexapro and I've been back to normal.

I wonder why your doc wants to do the MRI. I've never heard of anyone needing one for anxiety. Weird. I'd pester her to see if it's really needed and what exactly she's looking for. I'm glad you got yourself back into therapy and I hope it settles some of your anxiety and that you don't have to get an MRI.

Thanks for posting, Ballerina :)

I used to be on lexapro and it worked pretty good til the anxiety became too much. I tried Cymbalta, but that didn't help my depression just the headaches. I on pristiq now and have had to up my dose twice since i've been on it. Maybe it is just my body getting immune to the effects of the pristiq.

I remember now why my pcp was talking mri. She said if i didn't start sleeping better with the klonopin then she wanted to do a sleep study. If the sleep study didn't yield results then it would be time to see about an mri. I shot down the sleep study, I just don't have money for it and at this point i think an mri would be useless.

Keep on dancing...

Ballerina8876 said:

I had that problem too. I was on Prozac for a few years and it was like it suddenly stopped working or my anxiety just busted through. I started having panic attacks, not being able to sleep, my mind going a mile a minute, etc. Turns out, my body just got so used to Prozac I just needed to switch to a different med. I went to urgent care and they gave me a two week prescription for Xanax until I could get into my GP. GP put me on Lexapro and I've been back to normal.

I wonder why your doc wants to do the MRI. I've never heard of anyone needing one for anxiety. Weird. I'd pester her to see if it's really needed and what exactly she's looking for. I'm glad you got yourself back into therapy and I hope it settles some of your anxiety and that you don't have to get an MRI.

Money and all our medical problems are terrible. But between work and taking care of my mom this is about all the socializing I git so you are worth the world to me. I hope you find answers soon. I will be thinking of you.

thank you so much! I love your screen name...purple is my favorite color :)

purplebutterfly said:

Money and all our medical problems are terrible. But between work and taking care of my mom this is about all the socializing I git so you are worth the world to me. I hope you find answers soon. I will be thinking of you.

yes,you are worth everything to your family i am sure and that is what family is for-i know about your worries for money, been there done that and still doing it, it is just how its gonna be. i cant imagine what she would want to do an mri for are you having headaches or anything ? i definately would not do anything until i found out what is was for. i know all about that anxiety too, i have agoraphobia, (didnt even know there was a name for it) but when i saw a psychiatrist he told me the condition i have is created by extreme and extended anxiety. Sometimes just being in my own yard feels threatening to me (childhood trauma, long story) and i have been known not to leave my house for months, he put me on meds and i am doing better with it but i still have those days. i guess what i am trying to say is my home is my safety zone, that is how i was copeing or thought i was coeping with my anxiety, but that just led to depression, its an endless cycle.

Xanax worked for me to get it under control. :). I was on celexa, but it stopped working. I am now on cymbalta, which is great for my anxiety and my joints. The Xanax is for meltdown moments. I was having them for no reason about 2 pm usually.

I remember now why my pcp was talking mri. She said if i didn't start sleeping better with the klonopin then she wanted to do a sleep study. If the sleep study didn't yield results then it would be time to see about an mri. I shot down the sleep study, I just don't have money for it and at this point i think an mri would be useless.

right now I'm trembling like a leaf just because I have to leave my house in 20 min. Just the idea of having to interact with people sets me on edge. My dr. reminds me that the klonopin is just for those meltdown moments, not to be taken everyday. I don't want to take it everyday...i just want to be able to come and go without a panic attack!

Thanks for posting!
kel said:

yes,you are worth everything to your family i am sure and that is what family is for-i know about your worries for money, been there done that and still doing it, it is just how its gonna be. i cant imagine what she would want to do an mri for are you having headaches or anything ? i definately would not do anything until i found out what is was for. i know all about that anxiety too, i have agoraphobia, (didnt even know there was a name for it) but when i saw a psychiatrist he told me the condition i have is created by extreme and extended anxiety. Sometimes just being in my own yard feels threatening to me (childhood trauma, long story) and i have been known not to leave my house for months, he put me on meds and i am doing better with it but i still have those days. i guess what i am trying to say is my home is my safety zone, that is how i was copeing or thought i was coeping with my anxiety, but that just led to depression, its an endless cycle.

Home does become our safety zone. Anxiety comes right along with Lupus as well as many invisible diseases. I think it happens as so many don’t believe our invisible disease exists and treat us badly. Still venture out with your meds in tow In case you need them. That’s what I do and you will learn to get through it.
Love, Sheri

I’m so sorry you are going thru this. I also have severe anxiety issues. I can’t drive because I have panic attacks when I do. I also take klonopin. I would see a psychiatrist if I were you. Also, a good therapist.

I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I started taking valerian (an herb, over the counter) and it has helped me a LOT. If I run out, I don't sleep well. Before I had it, I didn't sleep well- or even very much. My shrink said there was some kind of "bad" thing about valerian, but I thought to myself "have you read the pamphlet that comes with klonopin? or cymbalta?" (I'm on both of those). So I take valerian - and klonopin- at night, and it evens me out.

the other thing is to learn some things like deep breathing techniques, stretching, and meditation or yoga.

I was on a high dose of Lexapro and suddenly started what you did. Then I just wanted to end my life. I went to my doctor and he told me to think positive. That was the last straw so I changed doctors and got an internist. He reduced my Lexapro by half and put me on Kepra twice a day. It made me too sleepy in the day so I take it at night and I am good. He did tell me that most doctors won't give Keppra since It is for epilepsy but internists and psychiatrists do use it for mood disorders as it is so beneficial for that. He also told me that this anxiety and the speed with how it seems to come on for us is not unusual for lupus patients. Unfortunately I live out of state from him so I am battling with doctors here too.

I've been on Prozac for yrs. and just last year I started getting sick/diaherra when I was around big crowds (i.e. malls) Could not figure out what was going on. Come to find out it was anxiety attacks. My Dr. put me on Cymbalta but that made my anxiety worse. I talked to my Rhuemy and he said Anxiety is a part of Lupus and he prescribed me Xanax the losest does and it works very well. I don't have to take it everyday just take it before I go anywhere that I might have anxiety.

You are worth the money of your medical needs. But I so know how you feel. I'd rather spend the money for my medical needs on my family but I have to remember that if I don't take care of myself then I'm not doing my family any good.

Hope you get it all figured out cuz Anxiety attacks are no fun!

I take klonopin at night and have taken attivan in the past for anxiety and they are generic and very cheap. valerian is not that expensive either.

Hay! Ask for nerve pills they help me . I remember one day I went shopping with my son and Totally freaked out at the store!! When we went in there was not alot of people in the store, but the longer we stayed , the more and more people came, oh boy! It was like first no one was there on the aisle where we were, then all of sudden people were coming everywhere, my son was on the same aisle as me but anxiety level kid in , and I had an out Brust that scared me so bad , I fell to the floor and started Screaming , my son seemed to be so far away , but he was really close to me, everyone surrounded me asking was I alright, but still screaming my son helped me to my feet and took e to the car I felt so bad . Sitting in the car waiting on him to come back so we could leave, I fell asleep, I tho.ught that I could do thoses thIngs -you know shop ! But I can’t -my son , or daughter do it for me. Oh yeah! When they say mom am going to the store they No longer ask me do I want to go!!!Ha!Ha!! I laugh so hard at them , they really try to help me -smile but for the mst part I love them for understanding I just can’t do no shopping, Thank GOD they are older and can do it for me, that was my last time shopping, and I use to Love to do that for the household, but now they can have that job -all jokes aside-they can have that job…
Something else , on that day I forgot to take my nerve pill it was not checked off the list!!!WOW-it was my own fault…Beverly L.

This past weekend my anxiety attacks were really bad. I wonder if the sun exposure I had doing yard work Sat attributed to any of that. I spoke with my therapist about these attacks and how we HAVE to do something about them! I'll take all the physical pain, but these anxiety attacks are the WORST! We've been preparing me for EMDR treatment and she thinks I'm ready. We start next week. I'm not sure what to expect, so if anyone has ever tried it, I'd love some input.