Addison's Disease

Has anyone that has been diagnosed with Lupus also been diagnosed with Addison's? If you have, what is the treatment that you are on? Can you tell a difference with energy, attitude, thirst and sex drive after being put on a medication?



Laura, are you a member of the Addison's community yet? There is a link to it in the righthand column.

I am not. Thanks for the info. I will join now.

Thanks again!

dancermom said:

Laura, are you a member of the Addison’s community yet? There is a link to it in the righthand column.

How did they diagnose your Addisons? Have you been on steroids?
I am primary autoimmune positive to my adrenal glands, addisons. What are they telling you?

hi laura

I was diagnosed with addisons last year yes I cant stop drinking I get so dry my energy is not very good at all as for sex drive that went out the window 6 years ago lol I have so much pain I just cant think about anything within that way at moment there is meds for it but im one that just wants to move on as best I can without steroids etc I think we have enough to cope with without side effects I wish you lots of luck and hope you get more help xx


I went in for a physical and my blood pressure was really low when the nurse took it. The doctor said that couldn't be right and then checked each arm for himself. He said that my blood pressure has never been that low and that one of the medicines that I am on actually causes higher blood pressure. I told him that I didn't know if it had anything to do with things, but that I didn't think my skin color was good. I am washed out and look like the walking dead. He said that he was glad I said something because he thought the same thing. I have been seeing him for around 20 years and am one of his first patients - so, we have a history. I am also having a bunch of tests done because my kidneys are showing decreased function. With all the other symptoms that I have been experiencing, he said that he really believes that I have Addison's. He said that the reduced kidney function could be directly related to Addison's. Said that this is the first time that he has ever diagnosed this disease. Brought in another doctor in the practice and he also agreed. Steps to test have started. He took lots of blood, left a urine sample and I have to do a 24-hour urine study. So, I haven't officially been diagnosed with Addison's, but everything that I have read regarding the symptoms is totally me. If the tests are positive, I will do what I have to do to maintain as normal of a life as I can. But I can't help thinking that it is probably caused by my Lupus and this is a wake up call that Lupus sucks and constantly attacks whatever it wants. Oh, and I am not on any steroids. I was on prednisone a couple years ago when I had a horrible flare.

Shaz - Thank you for sharing. So sorry for what you are going through. I can't seem to get enough to drink during the day. And really sucks at night when my bladder constantly wants to be emptied. LOL. As for energy, I have not had any for years. If I try to do something that used to be quite easy for me in the past, I end up sitting down and panting. It takes me 10x longer to do things than it used to. Extremely frustrating.

Good luck to you! Laura

We have a new support community for Addison's:

It's very early and we just started it. Would love you to check it out. This is support community #36 in the Ben's Friends Network. It's amazing what we have all accomplished together. :)

Thanks Scott! I joined yesterday. Have been poking around since.



i know how you feel laura its awful but I have a electric chair and it helps with fatique etc and I live in a bungalow have for 3 years now it was really scary at first but im used to it now my husband has to keep filling up my cups to drink with plenty of ice as I get thirsty and very hot some days I can hardly use my arms they get very tired easily and yes im up during the night aswell but my gp put me on a tablet called detrusitol 2mg twice a day I have found they have reduced the bathroom visits a bit so see how they do anythings a help take care xx

miller482 said:

Shaz - Thank you for sharing. So sorry for what you are going through. I can't seem to get enough to drink during the day. And really sucks at night when my bladder constantly wants to be emptied. LOL. As for energy, I have not had any for years. If I try to do something that used to be quite easy for me in the past, I end up sitting down and panting. It takes me 10x longer to do things than it used to. Extremely frustrating.

Good luck to you! Laura