What is a flare

i been diagnoised in dec 2014 for lupus and i dont understand what is a flare. is i t when you hurt so bad in bones and joints or you so tired you cant get out of bed . cause i have this alot and im so sick with nausuos every day and i throw up everyday .is that what a flare is.

The tiredness and the pain are daily with me. They get extreme when I am in a flare. Not sure about the nausea and vomiting. Maybe that happens to someone else, but I never had that. Maybe you have a tummy bug. I hope you feel better soon, it’s miserable I know!

Hello sissy

Have you discussed your meds with our doctor lately? They may need to be ajusted. When I have a flare the fatigue and joint tenderness are worst. I had stomach problems and had to change some of my meds. You need to see the doctor about the nausea and throwing up their could be some thing else going on. Keep up posted.