Walk In My Shoes- A pic/poem For Your Loved Ones

Very good, I wish all spouses would understand this.

i would like to share this with a fam member who thinks i am faking bc some days i can walk and some days i can’t

Janice, go for it. Do you know how to save to your computer? If not, click right mouse button on picture, then choose copy, then right click on your desktop and choose paste. Another way. right click on picture, go toy "save as" then choose desktop or file to save it to. I don't know if it will do a lot of good but it can't hurt. You can talk till you're blue in the face, and unless a person has experienced lupus, they can't understand it. It's so hard to describe that every day is different and even from hour to hour is different with lupus. Sometimes it helps to give them a pamphlet or a webpage that describes the symptoms of lupus. There's a saying I used to use a lot.

"Those who don't care won't ever try to understand, and those who do care already understand."

Oh! I DO have a GREAT item you can send people who WANT to try to understand our life. It's a short story, couple of paragraphs that describes just one small part of our day, but not all that we suffer. It does give people an idea of what we deal with. http://tinyurl.com/spoontheory1 There are TONS of groups of people called "spoonies" who are fans of this little story, and tons of little items like spoon lapel pins or t shirts or other items that remind people of the spoon theory. It was written by a lady with lupus but can work for anyone with invisible illness.

i love the saying—and thanks for the copy info:)))

Sheila Wall said:

Janice, go for it. Do you know how to save to your computer? If not, click right mouse button on picture, then choose copy, then right click on your desktop and choose paste. Another way. right click on picture, go toy "save as" then choose desktop or file to save it to. I don't know if it will do a lot of good but it can't hurt. You can talk till you're blue in the face, and unless a person has experienced lupus, they can't understand it. It's so hard to describe that every day is different and even from hour to hour is different with lupus. Sometimes it helps to give them a pamphlet or a webpage that describes the symptoms of lupus. There's a saying I used to use a lot.

"Those who don't care won't ever try to understand, and those who do care already understand."


Thank you for sharing your heartfelt words. It makes me feel better about posting mine.

Sincerely with love

Helen Kean

Hey Helen; I didn't write the poem. The author's name is at the bottom. I'd better give credit where credit us due. I'm glad it touched you in some way.


xlntonetwo said:

Thank you for sharing your heartfelt words. It makes me feel better about posting mine.

Sincerely with love

Helen Kean