Vision changes

For the past month or so everything looks bright yellow or neon green when I fisrt open my eyes---after being asleep. My vision has gotten worse over the past few months, but this color thing is new. I can't get in to see the doc till May.

Anyone else have this problem?

oh., and have had urine changes too that seem to be connected only because both changes have happened in the same timeline

You cannot wait until May. You MUST get in to see an ophthalmologist ASAP! You could have a clot.

Please go to the opthomologist ASAP...I agree with Smartbeagle!!! I have leasions on my brain from my Lupus and I have vision problems. Not to the point where I am not functional and can't drive. But I do have lots of floaters at times. I do have sever headaches. I have ringing in my ears.

You didn't mention much about your urine changes. You need to have that checked as well. The first organ, was brain, to be affected, then my kidneys. I didn't have insurance. By the time I had Medicaid, I was in Stage 3 Kidney Disease. I don't need dialysis, but diet change, fluid increase and exercise.

Please get a full blood panel done!!!

Let us know how you are doing!!!!

My little spiritual butterfly, this is nothing to play with or wait around for, go to the emergency room, even though I know they suck. Please Janice, we love you and dont want your health to get worse. Many blessing and hugs. Keep up updated!!!

First I would change doctors. If I even have a small problem, I call the doctor and she gets me in asap. I also have vision problems, I only see with one eye since birth. But since Lupus, the lights really bother me so much that I dont go out at nite at all. I have quit driving at nite, and am affraid when the car lights come toward me. All lights seem to be brighter everywhere I go, does everyone else feel the same way or is it just an age thing?

wow thank you so much for all the responses. I will call tomorrow to get an appt with eye doc. I had an appt today with a doc who told me that vision changes were probably because I am overweight. yeah. kick a girl when she's down. at firs she acted like I was making it up...then compared me to her having to use a magnifying glass to read...?

Clearly she has not had chronic, bone grinding, flesh ripping pain.

I will get it checked out and the urine stuff too.

she already had me in tears bc she could see how much pain i was in and she told me to stop taking pain pills---said to only be on them for a week, and no longer. i left there feeling like a fat drug-seeking-drug addicted idiot. son is calling me a bully--same old fight in which he thinks i drop bombs and then hide. I told him the neighbor complained about the dog and i had left a message with his wife (whjo was very calm btw) but he got mad when i couldn't answer with texts fast enough---then i told him i couldnt talk bc a friend was coming over to pray the divine mercy chaplet with now he is not talking to me...and thats fine bc i am tired of him making me fell like a loser.

and the worst news is that my little grandson, Luke is in the hosp with the flu. his fever was 105.

my poor little guy. please pray for him, ok? we prayed a special rosary for him and will keep praying for him till...forever:)

ps, my prayer buddy and i blessed my house with holy water and prayer...lots of peaceful prayer and the dogs were so good all night and all day...

Guess what?

good news, bad news:

Bad news is that Luke is still in the hospital, only now his mom and two sisters have what he was given prophylactics so he's ok so far. Good news, he is sleeping most of the time so he can heal and mom can too.

Bad news, I can't go visit bc of compromised immune ...

Good news I have been speing holy hour everyday with a friend from church and we are going good work...we can tell bc of the fruits of our prayer. The most noticable is that ever since we prayed and blessed the hose and the dogs, my dogs have neen 4 ltgged angels! Seriously, it is so beyond my dreams bc rex is a dog with ....issues.

there are teeth marks in the gate that i use to have him kennel up if I am leaving. teeth marks---deep ones and lots of em too. He used to get so upest there was no way to calm him down.

But now? get outta here---he is Mr. manners and deserves all the tlc I am giving him for doing such a great job..he understands!

From now on I am going to lavish the people and animals I love with prayer and do so with new strength, more faith, tons of hope and love love love.

so can you keep Luke and family in prayer. our little town is getting hit with this flu and it is knocking people to the ground.


oh my little spiritual butterfly, I am so happy that God is working so many miracles in your life, because if anyone deserves them it is you. I will definitely send up big prayer for littl Luke. I like the new approach that you have taken toward things, it sounds like something we should all consider, we may experience less stress in our lives. Many blessings and hugs xoxoxox

lol i just read my post and wondered how you all could tell what i was typing from all the typos...

janice said:

Guess what?

good news, bad news:

Bad news is that Luke is still in the hospital, only now his mom and two sisters have what he was given prophylactics so he's ok so far. Good news, he is sleeping most of the time so he can heal and mom can too.

Bad news, I can't go visit bc of compromised immune ...

Good news I have been speing holy hour everyday with a friend from church and we are going good work...we can tell bc of the fruits of our prayer. The most noticable is that ever since we prayed and blessed the hose and the dogs, my dogs have neen 4 ltgged angels! Seriously, it is so beyond my dreams bc rex is a dog with ....issues.

there are teeth marks in the gate that i use to have him kennel up if I am leaving. teeth marks---deep ones and lots of em too. He used to get so upest there was no way to calm him down.

But now? get outta here---he is Mr. manners and deserves all the tlc I am giving him for doing such a great job..he understands!

From now on I am going to lavish the people and animals I love with prayer and do so with new strength, more faith, tons of hope and love love love.

so can you keep Luke and family in prayer. our little town is getting hit with this flu and it is knocking people to the ground.


Good news! Luke is home from hosp. Doc has the whole family house on stay indoors and away from people though---said this flu that is going around is super contagious and is hitting the kids really hard. Thank you for your prayers and for you love and concern. God hears and answers

oh and more good news...i got an eye appt for march 30 but nurse said to call doc to see if i could see her before the end of if i couldn't see her before my eye appointment bc i was having trouble seeing! lol i am easily entertained.

Still praying for you, please let us know whats going on with your vision problems. A few days ago my rite eye ( the only one I see with has started to tear) I wonder whats going on with this? It worrys me, should I ignore it or run to the doctor. I have an inplant in it and vision seems fuzzy. I am going to leave town Monday nite to visit my mother in law in Florida, what would you do?

ALWAYS go to Ophthalmology with vision problems!!!! I almost lost my eyesight from inflammation and a blood clot!

Lupus attacks organs. You eyes ARE organs.

Thanks for making my discisson , I am going tomorrow

I am so happy that Luke is home!! best news in the world!! When you have sick children in the hospital just nothing else seems to matter... I am so happy he is out of it and home where he can loved and cuddled by all of you!

Wow! What makes me mad is often when a doctor says something so rude you are caught off guard. That is when i wish i was black woman who tend to just love themselves no matter the size. Instead of having it be hurtful words.

I am huge dog/animal lover so very glad you found a way to help your dog be less stressed....just even small walk around the block will help greatly. Dogs just like people get home bound feeling and they need so much to be with their family(pack).

I hope they do move your eye appointment up. This time of year my eyes act up...i got my first migraine the other day...was sunny. I think it has to do with angle of sun...because i lived in very different climates so plant life is different and still happens. No i do not see neon colours but everything is like extra colorful/bright looking ..and i can feel exactly where my eye is moving too. my eye itself hurts it is inflamed.

I think maybe you should exaggerate to appointment person. I really think you should be seen asap too! I realize that is less than 30 days but you could even get in on cancellation. Make sure they dilate your eyes too so you will need driver. I call and ask if he plans on doing that so he can get a good look at back of your eye as well.

I really hope it is nothing...weird how it is tied into your urine...wonder if drug side effect? Please let us know as soon as you do! your upbeat humor is great...and i do same thing write and than don't check ..half asleep in pain and trying my best to divert my attention off pain and hopefully get some i sure did not mind lol!!

i be sending positive thoughts and love your way, lg

I am glad that Luke is home, you deserve some happines and Luke gives you that. Spend all the time that you can with him, cause he seems to be the light of your life, and besides they grow so fast, you dont wont to miss anything. Tell Luke welcome home from your LWL family. Many blessing and hugs xoxoxo

I went to eye doctor today, she said I had Dry Eye. Go home use Johnsons Baby Shampool and a q-tip on the top and bottom lid before bed and put 1 drop in each eye. Hopefully it will get better before I leave for Florida on Monday nite. When I get home if its not better have to get perscription filled. Hope not, meds cost much moneywith crapy insurance, even generics cost much. I can only go to this doctor 2 times a year, insurance is stupid who with Lupus goes only to doc twice on one year. Cant want wait till October when I can get Medicare because I have disability. Have to get good sunglasses, glare is bothering me alot. Want to get Maui Jim Sunglasses they deter the glare, they are the best.

I have never heard of that and does not make sense since shampoo is drying! Plus it can contaminate your eyes if any bacteria is on lid.

I really had excellent eye doc..he said to me first try otc ones that are not as thick...if i find i am having to use those hourly than move up to thicker fake tears. Never buy fake tears from one bottle as it is very easy to get bacteria that we cannot see on lids and than spread it to our eyes that are stressed by lack of tears.

As to sunglasses...polarized are kind that cut glare. You may love that one brand but truth it you will be paying a ton for brand name. Plus if you wear glasses they will not be using their lenses but ones they make to your eye issue.

I was told from get go since had sun issues with my eyes to wear as large and dark lens as possible. Those wrap around ugly things...that cost like ten dollars when your eyes are dilated they sometimes give to you....those are as good as hundred plus sunglasses and will block sun from all angles.

But sounds like you do not have sun issues with your eyes. Hopefully you do not wear glasses so you can buy the brand you like!

Keep your house full of moisture...i live in dry mountains plus have wood stove both aggravated dry eyes so am using drops a lot. Oh once you find a brand you like...than buy them at Costco type of stores to save huge bundle but i would first find brand. ....most the brands out now were RX when i first had dry eyes...i know there is drug but something about it that my new eye doc does not like...i will ask and remember when i go soon. I know many doctors like to wait a number of years to really find out true side effects. I think he said that it open the door for infections and last thing i needed was lower my resistance in my eyes since i have eye issues.

As to your insurance allowing only 2 visits to eye doc....what happens if you have serious eye problem? Have you called them and asked them to make exception or ask what you should do since you have on going eye problems?

Though i am not sure dry eye will really qualify as issue since it is so common now days. But if you are on plaquenil i know the recommendation is twice a year ..every single eye surgeon i been two insists on that and ifi show any signs of other eye inflammation than I go 3 months or if my eye is hurting. So ask them maybe they will allow you to go..and try supervisor do not take no from first person on phone. Of course they will say what they been instructed and most do not have power to change rules. But keep asking who can change the rules and go to that person. It has worked before for me...might for you too!

I hope you do not wear glasses and can get your maui glasses...sometimes just having a pair of sunglasses we love can make life more fun! if not ask for polarized but will cost more...if you fly fish you must have polarized!! sure maybe some of you might! so much fun!

Thanks for all the info, washed my eye lids last nite in the wrong Johnsons soap so inturn burning. So today going to get small bottle of Johnsons No Tear shampoo and trying that. Put med on before bed and it seems better this morning. I work for Babies R Us and its easy to get that small bottle there. Hopefully I will not have to fill perscription. As for sunglasses, the sun is gone for now, yipee no glare just rain. Another day of my life with Lupus.

Lupus Sucks!

I just could not understand the johnson baby shampoo as treatment...just sounded like OW!! to me. So i did some research and found a very nice web page that explains what you have and why you need to use soap on your eye lid. even has photos showing exactly where you should be applying the drops

My mother has other problem of too much tearing and it covers that as well so sending it o her as well.

Here it is by way if you lose the link search Blepharitis.

It even might save you some money on the rx if it was for Restasis...which has castor oil in it...explains how to use that to prevent the ongoing problem. hope you this helps you a lot.