Update on doctors, meds, exhaustion and pain

Hi, everyone.

After my second opinion in Boston, I returned to my New York rheumatologist and he strongly suggested the same thing: slowly taper off the high dose of prednisone and begin with a low dose of methotrexate. At first I was too afraid to try it, but I’ve been feeling so horrible, I feel like I have nothing to lose at this point. My doctor also prescribed tramadol for pain every six hours in conjunction with some Motrin.

I started taking the methotrexate Friday. Yesterday I could hardly get out of bed. I was exhausted. I don’t know how much of it was from the methotrexate and how much was from the tramadol. But, I just couldn’t keep my eyes open. The doctor also prescribed 1mg of folic acid every day to help with the side effects of the methotrexate. So far today I’m feeling better.

My pain doesn’t seem to be much effected by the tramadol. I hardly see the point of taking it. Maybe I’ll stick with the Motrin. Perhaps I need a stronger pain med. The pain and exhaustion are my worst enemies.

I’ll keep everyone posted as to how I’m doing on the methotrexate, etc. I just wanted to share. Thank you, Kim

PS. I’ve broken out with spots again. My doctor says it looks lupus related. I’m not sure.
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The methotrexate makes I feel like crap I had to stop taking it good luck on that I also get loratab it’s trylenol with codeine it def eases the pain good luck

Got off methotrexate and do Cellcept and benlysta...vicadin has been my pain medication

I hope the methotrexate helps you the exhaustion is the worst thing for me I will start doing something then all of a sudden I am to tired to do it.

So far I’m only taking a small amount of methotrexate to start, so I don’t feel horrible yet. But definitely tired. I have to ask my doctor for a new pain med as tramadol isn’t working. Maybe I’ll ask for Vicodin. I’ve tried Cellcept and Benlysta and both made me sick. I hope the methotrexate works. I’m not looking for a miracle, just a better quality of life.

my doctor also gave me tramadol for pain 2 every 4--6 hours put it really doesn't help any .so she changed it to hydrocortisone and Motrin . it seems to help me better but it dose not make me sleepy as it makes most people.
I also take the Humera pin every 2 weeks. so far I have not notice any side effects , it helps with pain but only for the first week by the second week I am hurting again.
I find myself a little frustrated with the fatigue the pain I can deal with better but the constantly worn out feeling seem to get me down as well as the weight gain it has been very difficult for me both emotionally and physically . I use to be very active and now I can barely walk a block with my walker . but it's okay I am still wayyyyy to blessed and I thank GOD for each and every new day. living with Lupus I defiantly had to make changes and modifications to my life .but It's all good ...... I am still blessed i have incredible doctors and amazing family.

Tramadol works about as well as a baby aspirin on me. I would ask the Dr. for something different. Hoping your methotrexate kicks in soon! i prefer morphine to vicodin. Fewer side effects and if I ask for the smallest pills, I can take less when I need less and more if I need more. Less constipating than vicodin, and the acetaminophen (tylenol) in vicodin started damaging my liver.

Good morning. I had a bit of a tough night with nausea from the methotrexate. But I feel better this morning. I’m going to see what my rheumatologist suggests for pain. Thank you for your responses. I find them helpful.

I take tramadol but only at night to help me sleep…it does make me groggy. Instead of all that Motrin have you tried Celebrex?? My doc put me on it to replace all the Advil I was taking and although it is by far no cure it has been better than the 16-20 Advil I was taking. Good luck!!

I SO hear you on taking 20 Advil a day! I’ll ask my doctor about Celebrex. Is that a prescription? I’ll look it up. I find the tramadol does little more than make me drowsy, too.

As far as the methotrexate goes, I took my first dose Friday evening and as of this morning (Tuesday) I’m feeling less tired and not nauseous at all. I only felt nauseous one evening. Mind you, I’m on a low dose to start. I’ll have blood work done in a month, then my rheumatologist said we’ll probably increase the dose. I’m a little nervous about the side effects. But, so far, so good.

If you’re feeling anxious about taking methotrexate, like I am, remember you can always try something else.

One thing my rheumatologist mentioned was adding imuran to the methotrexate. Anyone ever hear of that?

Celebrex is a prescription. Right now it’s a little pricey but the Patton on it will be up in less than a year and there will hopefully be a generic. I had a terrible bought with gastritis because of all the Advil. So this has been much better for me. It’s nice because it’s one that builds up in your system and stays. With Advil you always know when it’s time to take more because you feel it the minute it wears off. This is twice a day and done. Don’t get me wrong you won’t necessarily feel a vast improvement but it is a little more effective than the Advil and better for your stomach. One thing to remember my doc told me you can’t take any Advil with it all you can take is Tylenol…yea right like that’s at all helpful!! So it’s kinda a catch22 if you know what I mean. Ask doc if they have any samples you can have. My doc gave me a months worth so I could see if it was going to work before I started paying for it. She also gave me a copay card which takes $15 off each month. Good luck!!!

I have a question for you. Can I ask what do your spots look like?

I’ll see if I can upload a photo of my spots.
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Thanks so much for posting the pictures. Now I have a few other questions about your spots. When do they seem to come and go? Do they itch? Do they fill up with any fluid? Do they turn bright red after a shower?

This is the second time I’ve had these “spots”. Both times is was during a lupus flare. They only itch a little from time to time. There’s no fluid or raised bumps or anything like that. They’re flat. Both times it began on my left arm, then became apparent on the right arm. No other part of my body is affected. The first time around I was given an antibiotic, but it didn’t seem to do much of anything. The spots lasted about a week. This time we’re just letting it run it’s course and see if they go away by themselves. Yes, they get bright red after a shower. My doctor told me any rash will appear more red right after bathing. Then they turn to the red you see in the picture. I hope that’s helpful.

Hum…thanks for sharing the pictures and more info on the spots. I have been wondering about spots I have had for 11 months now. I was not happy with what I was being told from 4 different drs. Thought maybe we might have the same thing. When you mentioned spots I was really wondering if they were the same. Yours look similar but don’t sound like mine. But keep us all informed on all that you are going through and finding out as you go along. Thanks so much for sharing. It is always good to know what we are all dealing with. You are in my thoughts and prayers

Thank you, Grace. :slight_smile:

Hi, everything will be okay! Just bare with it as much as you can? I know easier said than done, keep your Faith strong…Beverly L.

Hi, everyone. I just wanted to say that since I started a small dose of methotrexate last Friday, I’m feeling better. Granted the first two days I was exhausted and the third night I was nauseous. But, the last couple of days I’ve had more energy than I’ve had in a long time. It’s likely a coincidence as I don’t think one feels the benefits of methotrexate earlier than a month, but I felt compelled to mention it, coincidence or not. I take my next dose tomorrow and I’m not looking forward to it. But, if I can get a few good days out of the week, it makes the side effects well worth it to me. Thanks for listening. Kim

PS. The spots on my arms are fading, looking more like bruises.
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