UCTD to Lupus to UCTD - AHHHH!?!

I think the medical community will look back on this in a few decades and decide that lupus, sjogrens, uctd etc are really just different manifestations of the same or very similar things. Very few people I meet fit neatly into one autoimmune disease box. Ive definitely got sjogrens and lupus features but im officially lupus on paper. I’m another of those that some doctors don’t believe I have lupus from my labs but then they see me in flare and its hard to deny. Just keep fighting for adequate treatment despite the label of the day.
VouxDoux- do you mind me asking who you saw in Atlanta? That’s where I am.

Hi Amy,

I really agree. It does seem like it's all connected somehow. Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it.

Marti (short for Martha)

Amy said:

I think the medical community will look back on this in a few decades and decide that lupus, sjogrens, uctd etc are really just different manifestations of the same or very similar things. Very few people I meet fit neatly into one autoimmune disease box. Ive definitely got sjogrens and lupus features but im officially lupus on paper. I'm another of those that some doctors don't believe I have lupus from my labs but then they see me in flare and its hard to deny. Just keep fighting for adequate treatment despite the label of the day.
VouxDoux- do you mind me asking who you saw in Atlanta? That's where I am.