Trouble breathing

For years I’ve had trouble breathing, but it used to be so sporadic and infrequent. I’ve never been diagnosed with asthma, but my general practitioner prescribed an inhaler anyway, years ago. Lately it’s gotten worse, but I noticed a direct connection to humid days. I have to take it easy when indoors because if I do too much I feel breathless. I usually have to sit still or lie down in order to be able to get enough air. Going outside is almost impossible now when it’s humid out. I just cannot get enough air. My chest and neck feel tight and my head fuzzy and it’s hard to stand up straight because it seems to make it worse with the breathlessness. The inhaler doesn’t seem to work. I try my best not to leave the house on humid days because I know how bad it gets. I’m seeing my doc on Thursday about this. I just wanted to know if anybody else has trouble breathing from the humidity.

I am going through the same thing, I think. It feels like I can't get my lungs to fill up all the way. So, during the day, I am frequently taking an extra large breath. My GP thought it might be heart related because I have hypertension and regular sinus tachycardia. But there didn't seem to be an obvious link. I have found that if I take a xanax, it seems to calm it down. So am I losing my breath due to anxiety or am I anxious because I can't catch my breath?

I have had this for about 12 yrs at least. I have had my heart and lungs checked quite thorouly. My oxygen levels are good and my heart only has irregular beats at times (PVCS, not severe). I was told it is probably pluerisi and/or muscle inflammation. When I get real bad I have to go on a 10 day dose of prednisone. I usually can take 600 mg of Ibuprophen and that helps a lot. So if it is Pluerisi (inflammation on the outside of the lungs) then maybe humidity makes us feel worse. I know for sure that if I use my chest muscle on my left side (hold a baby or push up, or even vacuum) triggers my left chest to feel heavy and makes me short of breath. I def don't believe it is anxiety, but I do believe we get anxious when it happens. Ibuprophen or prednisone would help both, Plurisi and muscle inflammation. Hope that helps!

Be well, Alley

I've had something similar...but it's when I lie down. In the morning when I wake up I feel like there is congestion in my chest. But coughing produces nothing. It seems to either go away during the day or just give me a dry cough. I do have an irregular heart beat. I already take ibuprofen several times a day anyway for inflammation so maybe that is helping. Both my rheumy & PCP say they can't hear anything. I know it's not my imagination! --Good luck. :-)

Thanks for the suggestions. I never thought of taking ibuprofen. Makes sense about possibly helping if breathing difficulties are due to inflammation. I’m willing to see if it makes a difference. I have irregular heartbeat sometimes, too. I’ve been having those since my 20s.

Allison I know what you mean about the chest congestion in the morning. I get the same thing. Feels funny like a fullness, but eventually goes away.

Allison! We must be twins! hahaha That is exactly how mine unfolds. I wake up with a dry cough and not being able to get air. Sometimes when I breathe deep there is a little wheeze that sounds like a kitten (never does that at the dr) And then it starts up at night. I have mitral valve prolapse which is always throwing pvc's, which doesn't help. None of my drs have found anything. I've had the X-rays and tests. I guess it has to get really bad to be noticeable on an X-ray. I am going to try the ibuprofen with the breathing in mind and see if I notice a change.

Hugs to all!

Allison said:

I've had something similar...but it's when I lie down. In the morning when I wake up I feel like there is congestion in my chest. But coughing produces nothing. It seems to either go away during the day or just give me a dry cough. I do have an irregular heart beat. I already take ibuprofen several times a day anyway for inflammation so maybe that is helping. Both my rheumy & PCP say they can't hear anything. I know it's not my imagination! --Good luck. :-)

Artchick since your GP thought it might be heart related did he/she recommend you be seen by a cardiologist?

artchick said:

I am going through the same thing, I think. It feels like I can’t get my lungs to fill up all the way. So, during the day, I am frequently taking an extra large breath. My GP thought it might be heart related because I have hypertension and regular sinus tachycardia. But there didn’t seem to be an obvious link. I have found that if I take a xanax, it seems to calm it down. So am I losing my breath due to anxiety or am I anxious because I can’t catch my breath?

Oh, sorry, he doesn't think it's heart related. He did the X-rays to look for inflammation around the heart and lungs, but didn't see anything. I have regular EKG's and Echos, and they are all okay. Rheumy sent my to him, and he thinks I'm nuts. Gotta love lupus.

Aponi said:

Artchick since your GP thought it might be heart related did he/she recommend you be seen by a cardiologist?

artchick said:

I am going through the same thing, I think. It feels like I can't get my lungs to fill up all the way. So, during the day, I am frequently taking an extra large breath. My GP thought it might be heart related because I have hypertension and regular sinus tachycardia. But there didn't seem to be an obvious link. I have found that if I take a xanax, it seems to calm it down. So am I losing my breath due to anxiety or am I anxious because I can't catch my breath?

Artchick, I’m glad to hear it isn’t heart related for you.

I am new to the site so stop me if I am over stepping, but you all sound like you need to see a Pulmonologist. I am a former respiratory therapist and an asthmatic so I know the symptoms youre describing. If you were given an inhaler and it relieves the symptoms it is opening the airways and thats good. However, it sounds like most of you have symptoms a Pulmonologist (lung dr) could help with. A lot of times shortness of breath is brushed of as anxiety and it is nothing to play around with especially if its pleurisy. It is not in your head. Best wishes to you all.

I don't feel good in humid weather. I get short of breath, my joints hurt & I feel lethargic. It's been very humid in So Ca the past few weeks. It doesn't help the Lupus it makes it worse.