The new Lupus Drug-Benlysta

Today I had my second treatment. So far so good. My next treatment is on Halloween.

I am so happy to hear you are having a positive experience with benlysta. I just had my first infusion last night and know little about the effects, so any insight you could give would be great!

Well I have had 2 infusions. This time I had a slight headache the next day. My cheeks also were hot and flushed. I have no idea what is causing the symptoms because I take so much medicine and have so many ailments. I am staying positive about the drug. The 31st is my 3rd dose then I will start getting them once a month.

How is the Benlysta going? I am not looking forward to this but not sure what other choices there are.

Well now I have had 4 doses. My bloodwork looks normal for the fist time since I was 10. I have had some strange effects. I got pneumonia, skin cancer (scquamous cell carsanoma) and the area where they cut out is now infected after having the stitches out at Thanksgiving. All this may have been going to happen anyway. I just can’t win for loosing. I keep telling myself that God only gives you what you can handle. Boy, I guess he thinks I can handle a lot. I almost forgot, I have a fractured wrist. It’s my bad wrist (the one that two of my bones have moved forward. There is nothing the docs can do except fuse it and that is not an object. I tell you it feels like I will never get ahead.P

Corrina said:

How is the Benlysta going? I am not looking forward to this but not sure what other choices there are.

I started my Benlysta infusions in May of this year. My doctor was reluctant to try it, but after trying plaquenil, Imuran and CellCept, he agreed. I have to say that the Benlysta along with the Imuran worked great for my joint pains and rash. However, we don't know fully know the internal side effects. I'm hoping that this new drug works out for myself and everyone else taking it.