good morning friends~
i just wanted to say i appreciate this site and it's members a great deal since beginning treatment for this heinous illness. i have learned a great deal from books and your posts and the support is great. i wanted to inquire about something that hasn't been mentioned in recent posts regarding Lupus and thats the emotional side:
do you find that your emotions are everywhere? do you find yourself more easily upset? has depression or anxiety been an issue with you? do you just get so emotionally rattled by life that you can't do anything it seems?do you feel bad for feeling bad?
it seems in my short journey thus far that my emotions are just everywhere. i cry more. i'm ill more. i lack focus more. i'm anxious almost all the time these days and i get upset at the thought that i'm having more bad days than good lately. i pray and read my Bible. i don't talk to many face to face as i don't see them really understanding it. i talk to you all and my friends on one other support board. i just wonder if all of this is normal too????
i've been reading books and watching the discussion boards and trying to learn all i can. i just feel overwhelmed by this mess sometimes. please share w/me what your experiences have been like. i know no 2 will be exactly the same, but i just need to know if it's normal or if this thing has drove me nuts....
i've tried relaxation techniques, resting more, journaling, cognitive behavior techniques and other things...on occasion they work, but oftentimes they don't. it's like i can't even focus to do these things. i see the rheumy on the 26th (earliest i can get it). thank you in advanced for any feedback or ideas you leave :)
God Bless,