Today was a beautiful sunny day so i spent the day outside playing with my kids and bbqing with the family. Well now my face is red and burning like fire and im exhausted. This is the first time this has happened to me. Is this normal for some?
Good evening, Sorry that this is going on with you but yes that's part of lupus.. I also have that problem. ..wearing sunscreen could help but the sun is not a friend to we have to be very careful could be that you r flaring ...get plenty of rest and take it easy... if its gets worst you may want to call your rehmy or/& your demy ...the rashes are crazy ....sorry again.... Take care
When you use sunbllock, use the one that says broad spectrum, the one with UVA and UVB protection. Even when you use sunblock, limit you exposure to the sun or better yet stay out of the sun all together. This could cause flares that is very painful.
Yes this is normal for lupus. I feel like this most of the time after being out on a sunny day. I wear a big hat, sunscreen and long pants and shirts all summer long plus stay in a lot. I have a gazebo that I put my daughters kiddie pool and sandbox under so we can play in the shade. I can't go to the cottage and sit on the dock at all - it is a sure flare every time. I seem to be much sicker in the summer than winter and I think it is to do with the sun exposure but I can't stay in all the time with a child who needs to get out and play.
There are many more new diagnosis of Lupus in the summer than any other time. I don't experience the rash, but my mother did. I get completely exhausted like a wind up toy running down. Ann A writes extensively about sun protection, and just recently added some links for protecting ourselves
hi im sharon im new here ive had lupus 10 years now and im still learning what to do not to do etc i have flare up starting in may when the sun is out my whole face goes red my nose cheeks chin and forehead is the worst i put on lots of sun cream and wear sun hat its so unfair as i love the summer i get so fatigued its awful ive got alot of pain in my muscles im lucky all my children are grown up now so i dont have the worry of taken them out in summer time but i did have to do it at one time and it was awful been sick i understand you wanting to go out with the children and play you just have to be careful and dont over do it out doors take care of yourself x
I was out yesterday and got two ulcers on the side of my chin I just wanted to barbecue with friends and watch my daughter Ride her bike and my older two run and pl
ay as they’re almost 14 and wont run an play much longer. then I dreamed of pain all night and woke up crying in sleep too many times to count. Woke my husband so many times he ended up staying home from work today to help me get the children off to school and make sure I had someone to take care of me least I have him very sweet always have to look on the bright side :b
~everyone take care I’m so thankful for this site
Yes; its Lupus. I have to use sunblock inside the house as well as outside + hat long sleeves etc. Inside the house I need to stay beyond the shadow line around the windows. I found it VERY difficult to equate cause & effect with light as its not instantaneous (for me).
I've just realised that at this time of year if I sleep beyond 6.30am the bottom half of my bed is in sunlight. So my legs & feet are exposed (sub tropics no blankets). Blinds closed each night from now on I'll post if it seems to make a difference. I have been kinda 'frail' in recent months. Good luck to you trying to work it out. Its a puzzle for us all. Ciao Kaz x
It’s important to use something that protects against UVA and UVB rays any time you plan to be outside. I know it’s hard but if nothing else I always at least protect my face. All of my make up has an SPF in it along with my face moisturizer. I am assuming by your user name that you are not a woman so I would recommend a mild face lotion with an SPF in it ;). I know actual sunscreens can be heavy and you wind up smelling like sunscreen but you can get face lotions that are much more gentle and unscented. I know it sucks!!! Good luck!!!
Unequivical, YES!!!
My Rhuemy basically wants me to bathe in sunscreen when I go out. It's hard not to get hot and burned in Vegas, especially in the summer. My husband and I love taking a week and boating on the CO river a couple of times during the summer...not a lot of room to hide from the sun. Even with lots of sunscreen I know if I am not careful, I will be violently throwing up, burning up and basically miserable.
Hope you feel better soon. Sorry, hard lesson to learn.