Rheumy doc don't prescribe pain meds

Unless your insurance prohibits it you can refer yourself to an ortho or have your primary do so. Sometimes the synvisc injection works miracles on these sore knees- not the same as a cortisone injection. And the ortho can also determine if some physical therapy will help too- sometimes quad strengthening helps too. Of course if bad enough joint replacements may be in your future Might be a good idea to see what your long term plans are. Pain management physicians will ask that treatment of the underlying problem be undertaken as part of your pain management program.

I think a Rheumy who cannot write pain meds is a contradiction to the field. I would consider looking elsewhere.

Some rheumatologists are like that. The good ones, who fully get all that lupus entails, will prescribe them if you need them. I’ve been treated by both types over the past 23 years since being diagnosed. I advise changing doctors. That’s what i did.

Some docs just don’t want to do pain meds or at least stick to meds that are not “controlled”. I have been going to my rheumie for about 10 years and he had never given me any thing strong for pain. However after my recent hospitalization he offered with no problems. Sorry you are having problems. Sometimes you just need a bit of relief. I will say that I have tried glucosamine /condroitin for my knees. I didn’t think it was helping but I stopped for two months and wow I noticed a difference! It really was helping! I use the Cosamin ASU. My rheumie actually recommended it years ago. Good luck and hope you get relief soon.

I live in Florida, the laws here have gotten very strict thanks to our jerk of a governor Rick Scott. Pain pills are no longer allowed to be given out unless you go to pain management and sign a contract with dozens of things you must agree to before they can even see you, then you wait 2 weeks before your first appointment, then after that, another 2 weeks to prescribe meds IF the doctor determines you need them. You can not receive ANY type of pain meds, narcotic or non, from anyone else other than your pain management doc. And most either dont accept insurance, or insurance companies dont cover them, and they are not cheap. 200-600 per visit and add also the cost of the monthly urine test lab you have to pay (as urine test is mandatory). I am lucky that my doctor takes insurance and my insurance covers it. I am currently on Cymbalta 60 mgs, and Hydromorphone 4mgs 3 times a day. But now, because I had to use up a little more of my meds while passing a kidney stone (which is a common result of lupus) I ran out of my hydromorphone early and had to rely on some old lorcet pills I had. so next urine test showed it and my doctor has now threatened to stop treating or prescribing my meds as per the rules of the contract. I go to see him again this tues the 15th, so I will find out if he will keep prescribing the only things that alleviate my pain, or if I will be suffering like never before..... I will let you all know what happens. In the meantime, good luck with your pain relief. research pain management, it might be available where you live, and it might be the best thing for you. I know it is for me

I also live in Florida. I got my Vicodin from my PCP (Primary Care Physician), and so did my sister. My blood test is every 6 weeks. I use the Vicodin only before I commit suicide (joke). Right now, my Rheumy is changing my meds to avoid my frequent use of opiates.

It has become like that in many states Washington is that way too when you really need something for relief and can't take NSAIDS, ASA or otc pain meds. I had a severe migraine a few weeks ago with an arhythmia, the ER treated the arrhythmia just fine but they gave me benadryl and reglan for the headache. Benadryl makes me hyper and the reglan makes me sleepy so basically got no relief for the headache with them stating they could not give opiates except vicodin (I'm allergic) and to see my pcp. Meanwhile I had to drivehome with sunglasses on with some weird little guy trying to get out of the back of my right eye. Was a real blast, got home ok but was discouraged, I'm not a drug seeker but they automatically assume we are since they can't see the actual headache and have allergies to lots of meds.If I'd had a broken bone it would have been different, nice huh? Bless you DEA lol

As you can see many of the states have instigated pretty harsh prescription laws. I have a pain management specialist. My Rheumy has told me what I need and I tell my pain management doc. Then my PCP keeps a record of ALL of my medications from my 7 different specialists. It can be a pain, but then so can pain. If your Rheumy is good at everything then ask for a referral to a doctor that they may work with already. It's much better when you have a team rather than all sorts of different docs prescribing different things.

I've even had to get prescriptions from my PM doc because my Cardiologist couldn't prescribe.

Strange world we live in.

Hope you feel better soon.


I didn’t know that either! Wow wow!!! So what are you doing/taking for the pain? You know this is crazie , the meds are so high to pay 4them , what do they want us to do ? The people who really need them are the ones who suffer because of the way those abuse the pills on the streets -which is not fair for us who really need them and get turned down, by our doctors, Crazy if you ask me! Well hope that something will break for you soon…Beverly L.