Muscle Fatigue? myalgia ? anyone else :(

I don't go into flares very often so this is new to me. But the last week or so my muscles especially in my legs feel SO fatigued. SO tired. and achy . my joints are lightly achy but mostly my muscles. I feel a bit better if I move around a bit. Does anyone get this ? is this a lupus thing? and I am fatiguing out very quickly. . .

I have this when my blood counts drop (anemia) Going up the stairs becomes damn near impossible

Yes, yes, yes! Like your arm and legs are lead and just achy all over. Feels like I have flu.

U should probably inform ur rheumi, I had the pain and aches for 6 months thot it would go away… Was told I am goin to need hip replacment once this thing is inactive.

So medications can cause this, such as plaquenel! It is one of the side effects.

Muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue - oh yeah that’s my flare. It gets worse if you don’t keep moving, but how can you keep moving when you’re too tired to move? Days like that I just curl up in my comfy chair and watch tv.
Definitely tell your rheum about it

I experience this kind of pain every day! I’ve been told that its related to my fibromyalgia and I have a vitamin d defiency problem. 2000 units a day of D3 is what I take. Also, always feeling fatigued doesn’t help either. Moving around and light low impact exercise works great and some stretching as well. Whirlpools help me tons with light massage.

THank you everyone!