
I remember another discussion about this but my memory is failing me! What kind of jobs do you guys with lupus have? I can no longer teach because full day working, well, I haven’t been able to do that for a while. I really hate not contributing and having my husband do it all by himself. He’s really great about it but I would really like to help. Any ideas?

Have you thought about tutoring at home or online? I have a friend that teaches and she does it on skype from her home 2 days a week.

I am a pharmacy tech, not very physically strenuous but can be stressful. Have you checking into some nonprofits, we have a Children's Council here that would not be as strenuous, check with your local social services. Also, a new program known as Triple P parenting has started here, which works thru the local health dept. that you might could train for and work with.(not a long training period)

Honestly, my job now is making my hubby’s job easier. Now that he supports us both, I do all of the house chores and prepare his breakfast, pack his lunch, and have his dinner ready. I make our home a sanctuary for him. I was a practicing attorney but just can’t function on that level any more. It’s actually working out pretty well for us. He’s more productive because he has no worries within our home. It makes up for my not working outside the home. I’m less stressed and able to manage my own health better.

I haven't had a "real" job in years. It's all I can do to take care of the house, kids, and myself. I am finally starting to feel slightly more energetic (after a year of treatment) and have started wondering about work. I was a freelance writer once, I think I may start writing again. Also, I used to do Mystery Shopping, and I have just signed up for my first shop in six years.

I am a registered nurse. I just left my job at the hospital where I worked in the ICU. Now I work in a prison. It is much less taxing on my body.

I appreciate all the suggestions for jobs in this thread of communication. I am a Registered Nurse. I specialize in Psychiatric/Detox/Adolescent Behavorial Health. It is all I know. But my memory and endurance are failing me. The stress makes my joints ache and as much as I try to hide it, I can't always do it. I was diagnosed 7 years ago with SLE and I have never used FMLA or STD until now. I reached a point where my body was giving out and I listened. I have to work. i don't think I am eligible for Disability and quite frankly, it pisses me off that we have a disease that people don't understand! Can someone get a little fired up with me?! Sorry....a brief lapse. Anyhow, I need to work. I am single, have bills to pay. I am renting out my home and living in a small one bedroom apartment to cut down on expenses because of my medical bills and other expenses. I am applying for school nurse positions and other jobs that I hope and pray will be less stressful. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And please let me say....I know there are a lot of people out there suffering and my heart and prayers go out to you.