Is it possible I've gone into remission?

Hello fellow lupies

first off I want to wish all of you a great holiday!

do you think its possible to be in remission with no new symptoms developing. I have lots of organ involvement and damage from years of having lupus, and taking large amounts of medications meant to help when in reality some actually made things worse; while those problems are still there, and I'm still not taking any medications after a couple of years I find I'm no better or worse off than I was in the past so that got me to wondering could it be that in spite of the ongoing problems and the lack of new problems has this finally gotten stable and dare I think maybe I'm in remission? curious what y'all think.

Yes, it's possible and I'm happy for you. Remissions are a hallmark of Lupus. It's often how doctors decide it's lupus and not some other disease, so enjoy every moment of it! The hard part is when it comes back. It's so hard to readjust, because now you know how good it CAN be, and you mourn the loss of that remission. looks like you will have a Merry Christmas. Congrats!

Happy Holidays to everyone. may God Bless you continuously with his mercy and grace!

I have had the remission experience which latest for almost 8 years. For the first year I took Plaquenil for 6 months there after I took no meds for the rest of the eight years. After the remission stage I had minor flare ups. Just here recently I have been having problems with my lungs and have had 2 surgeries on my vertebrae. I give thanks and praise to the Almighty for each and every day he blesses me with to enjoy life with my family and friends.

Keep the faith and your head up! May you have a healthier 2015.

Hi!, funny that you ask this question , as for myself had this same experience , BUT for the sake of asking the doctor what is going on with this situation , to hear him say , "Well the LUPOUS is under control and there is no need to keep takeing the meds., beleiveing in this same doctor since day one of this horrible diease 4years ago , a couple days later Lupus is back so !!!! So i don't want to say congrads to you but keep doing whatever you are doing and enjoy the moment(s) of living without PAIN !!! Enjoy ...Beverly L.

Beverly thanks, what I'm doing is taking no meds, and seeing no doctors. I don't advocate this for anyone, but for me it works and I'm grateful.