Internest vs Rheummy

Does anyone have an Internest treat them for their lupus vs a Rheummy?

I used my pcp for quite awhile it went ok til it got complicated. If your internist is confident they have the knowledge and expertise to treat all the crazy stuff that goes with this disease stick with it, I hope for your sake if the internist feels they're in over their head they'll be the first to admit it, the danger of using a pcp is sometimes they're pride or ego gets in the way and that can create some really big problems. Make sure your internist and rheumy communicate.

Same as hopeful My internist managed me for over 20 years but last flare was very complicated hence a rheumy To tell the truth the internist does a better job

I am currently only seeing my PCP. Hes great and really listens to me and is super smart . He was the first to suspect lupus when i was in the hospital but i got to sick and our hospital is too small and doesn't have all the resources. so he sent me to mayo. I had seen a rheumatologist when i first was diagnosed but now just see my pcp. I am currently seeing him every month for something or another..... i also have a kidney doc. That i see but that's it.

Actually, I just changed my pcr to an internist/nephrologist. My pcr was fine for basics stuff but I felt I needed someone a lil more specialized for my issues. I’ve seen him twice. So far I really like him. Still have my big NYC rheumy though.

im trying to make that choice. I was using 3 internist to try to get to my diagnosis. So ive been trying to decide which to to now

I prefer my Pcp, he spends time with me on appointments and really listens. He sent me to the rheumy for detailed blood work based on a positive ANA and rheumy confirmed lupus based on the blood work he had sent to a special lab. He gave me the diagnosis then his advise was “always carry a sweater and gloves in case you get cold” Wha??? Found out everything else I needed to know when I came upon this site…thank you Lord for this site. Looking for a new rheumy.

I have a Rheumy n PCP. My PCP is much more accessible. He has known me for years n believes my complaints of pain. You would think my Rheumy would “get” the whole pain thing, but she is “fellow” still learning her craft. She has a mentor that does get it.

My internist took care of me for over 25 years. He knew exactly what to do. He had seen me for so long that all I had to do was say my stomach is bothering me (internal vasculitis) and he would call and get my infusions set up. He was awesome! Then my insurance changed and I had to go to Kaiser. Now I have 4 doctors instead of one and my rheumy is an idiot. I have been in an almost constant flare since I had to make that switch because he is too pig-headed to acknowledge that I know more about my body than he does. A 4 month course of cytoxan puts most of my symptoms in remission for over a year but he won’t rx it because he feels it is too toxic. I can flush the cytoxan out of my system in 72 hours where the cellcept is taken daily so there is no way to get it out quickly. Sorry you hit a bit of a sore spot with me. I miss my internist immensely.

My pcp is my choice, he’s easier to talk to, he diagnosed me to begin with and he’s seen all my symptoms and knows me, Rheumy’s in my case any way are arrogant and don’t listen

Your best outcome would be with a rheumatologist, that is their specialty. SLE is so complicated, you want the best.

I have had several rheumies and an internist and now a PCP. I don't care if I ever see a rheumie again. Wish I had my internist back but he lives in another state and my PCP is just beginning in my care of SLE now. Good luck

I’ve been with my Internist for almost 3 years now and he treats my lupus, and it’s because of him that I finally was diagnosed. He never gave up on me. So yes I’m sticking with him versus a reumie.

Hi Annnnnniiiiiiiiiiieeeee! I'm still around but not very much. Too much happening!

Thank you everyone for the input. Im not displeased with my Rheummy at all but i had a doctor friend suggest I get an Internest onboard vs the rheummy. That kind of took me by surprise. So i will shop around for one and see how it goes. Over the past three years Ive only gotten worse…so maybe a change will be good?

I recently had to switch to a new PCP - and chose an internist. He is very knowledgeable about my lupus, and although I still have a Rheumie, I'm glad I found my internist. For me, the decision was determining between an internist or a general practitioner. I think the rheumie is a necessity.

I know the feeling, I had several different specialists too, my PCP farmed me out when it got complicated the most useless specialist turned out to be my rheumy, if I never see him again it would be too soon.

Ann A. said:

Rheumies become internist first and then spend a couple a more years becoming more specialized, My internist is my PCP. But we both know that my rheumie blew the dx. I agree that when your lupus is complex you need a rheumie but then you may also need a derm, cardiologist, pulmonologist, hematologist, hepatologist, a specialist for every organ system involved. I also got an orthopedist, colorectal surgeon, ob-gyn, endocrinologist, opththalmologist. My internist directs the orchestra. And since my lupus numbers indicate remission the rheumie is a waste of my time -I am lucky - oh did I forget the pain management doc and the gastroenterologist


I agree…my friend was wrong about several things…well, he was a brain surgeon, but he sure sounded convincing at the moment!

I never heard of an Internest. What is that?

And so, Ann, since some internists studied longer and got stupid and became a rheumatologist! I am kidding!!! So no getting upset with my sick humor anyone!