How To Understand Someone With Chronic Pain

Here is a great article that helps people understand we who have chronic pain much better. Great to send to family members and friends who care enough to want to know what you go through. When you get to this page, there is more than just the bit in the top box. Scroll down below the box with the first picture.

thanks for sharing.... now lets get this out so we dont have to keep lying about how were

i think this was great article.....only one thing that i had possible disagreement and it could be just how i read it..well sure you will see what i mean. Is part about not encouraging people with chronic pain to move, get out or exercise.

Of course it depends on what is causing your chronic pain but just staying in bed is not good for anyone if they can walk. just walking can release those endorphin and help improve your mood and out look on your life.

I also a support person in your it another chronic pain friend or like in my life my spouse who also has chronic pain..we help to get us out and walk our dogs as daily as weather holds out. We both find it we say we are going to hurt so you might as well have some fun at getting the pain lol! Laughter is a must too!

Other husband says the 1to 10 pain scale has defined measure...that ten would be worse possible pain anyone could feel...pass out level and higher. Where in this article it stated that 10 is your highest level of pain. Which is kind of what i thought though i do pass out from my pain. So i think now in future, i am going to discuss with my doctors what their take is on this 1-10 measurement. So i can give them honest and answer that they will understand.

There is also in the wiki how deal with pain and fibro...or back pain and few you might check it out. I am going to post fibro article with this one in fibro group...give you the credit though.

thanks i found i true and am going to pass it on to other chronic pain plus try my family who tends to use my illness how ever it is to their own advantages...which is exhausting.

thanks again

Super article we can share with our loved ones.

I would like to add that if you are suffering, please ask for help. Get a referral to a pain management specialist and make sure that they understand that you also have lupus. Many of the OTC meds can have a severe impact on our organs if not properly monitored. For instance, Ibuprofen which is often recommended for swelling, etc. is not an option as I have Lupus Nephritis. Tylenol can severely effect your liver. A pain management specialist will monitor these meds with any prescriptions to make sure that you are not doing any damage to your organs, unintentionally, as well as any homeopathic options you may be using.

I cannot stress the importance of this.

Best to all,


This is the best article I have ever read on chronic pain. I can not begin to tell you how many doctors have told me and my 39 yr old son that we look great, we need to think positive and that will go along way in helping our pain, we are too young, lupus should not cause this much pain(From a rheumy specializing in lupus), etc, etc. Losing friends because they think you are making it all up. And exercise can make me suffer badly. It is difficult for me to walk and I rarely grocery shop anymore. I have no stamina due to many factors. I grew up on a lake in IN so always was a swimmer. I no longer can swim due to muscle spasms everytime I try and that has been 20 years that has been happening. Find me a PT that believes that or some doctors. I did have a PT that saw it and the head of the dept. called my doctor and told her I was going to drown if they weren't careful. Gotta just keep smiling and lauging is the best!

This was a really good article. Thanks for sharing. After many yrs of trying to work with pain I got a pain management consult & was prescribed Methadone 5 mg 3 x day. It seemed to work well. I can't take NSAID or OC meds due to Lupus Nephritis.

Thanks sooo much for sharing!!! Such a helpful article!!

You just described my life too Reet!

reet said:

This is the best article I have ever read on chronic pain. I can not begin to tell you how many doctors have told me and my 39 yr old son that we look great, we need to think positive and that will go along way in helping our pain, we are too young, lupus should not cause this much pain(From a rheumy specializing in lupus), etc, etc. Losing friends because they think you are making it all up. And exercise can make me suffer badly. It is difficult for me to walk and I rarely grocery shop anymore. I have no stamina due to many factors. I grew up on a lake in IN so always was a swimmer. I no longer can swim due to muscle spasms everytime I try and that has been 20 years that has been happening. Find me a PT that believes that or some doctors. I did have a PT that saw it and the head of the dept. called my doctor and told her I was going to drown if they weren't careful. Gotta just keep smiling and lauging is the best!

Reet, I just had the worst Dr. visit of my life a few days ago, and I have had some rude, STUPID doctors. If he had said all that he said in the USA, instead of here in Canada, he'd be sued or lose his license, but here, they can get away with anything. You only win a malpractice suit if he takes off the wrong arm or wrong leg. Their many lawyers from the gov't health system fight against the victim and his 1 lawyer. I'm so disgusted with the medical system right now. He spent 15 minutes insulting me and verbally abusing me. Doctors seem to be less compassionate and less helpful all the time, in spite of all the new technology.

Hello Sheila,

Great link mate and you made the best statement in your discussion (Great to send to family members and friends)

Sheila i am sorry to hear how your visit went that's way out of order and especially with how ill you are, he seems lke the one i had before where he raised my temper that bad that i started argueing back.

How your laws stand in in the UK hospitals & doctor's are getting sued left right and centre just through neglect of a patient and now the goverment have just sued the hospital i attend £75,000 for not being run right besides appointments.

So i totally know how you feeling regarding being pushed aside having the issues with so many in the past 27yrs it's disgusting :)

Oh, Sheila, I am so very sorry to read this from you. It really takes a toll on you when this happens, doesn't it? Can you find a different doctor? I'm not sure how your system works in Canada. It is such a difficult process though to find another and train the new one! My heart goes out to you. I am sending you healing thoughts. Reet

Hi Reet,

It's bad how Sheila was treated as she really struggles with her health, it should'nt be like this...with the advancement of meds, trouble is those who treat we unless they have it will never know even if they've trained in that field of work :)

Thanks Terri. <3

Thanks Reet.

I'm happy with my GP. The process of getting into a specialist takes up to 6 months, then he is only allowed to test you for the one problem you were referred for, then when he decides on a treatment he tells the GP what to treat you for, and you are not allowed to see the specialist again until you get another referral for another problem. If you have already had tests run, you can't be referred to another specialist for the same problem. So frustrating, but my faith helps me through it all.


I do hope that you find the care you need. It is really bad when you feel frightened to go to the person that is supposed to make you feel better.

I am truly afraid of what our healthcare system will turn into over the next couple of years, knowing that I am going to need medical care for life.

Big hugs and keep your chin up,


Thanks DeeAnne !!

Sheila you have'nt got to thank me mate as you do, do some suffering :)

Sheila W. said:

Thanks Terri. <3

Sheila, I am so sorry that you have to go through so much to get to a specialist. I think I will stop grumbling about having to find new doctors when I move. I have choices and if I don't like that doctor I am able to try another. I wish you the very best.