Hello friends:)so I had my gallbladder removed this morning and fortunately I did well enough to be out patient yaaay! I did have troubles before in preopp with my shortness of breath, plursily and asthmatics.. the pulmonary nurse said I have a "rail"in my right lung , ive really been struggling with everything especially breathing the past few months because my cytoxin trements just weren't helping anymore. Funny thing is I just saw my pulmanologist 10 days ago and had been struggling to breath waaay worse than today and he said "well your lungs sound perfect"I could hear an feel the cracks lol! When the nurse said she could very easily and clearly here the rail my friend dr jenn and I looked at each other and she said "k time for a new pumonolgist!",love her. I had a breathing treatment before and after surgery and lots of oxygen so im breathing easy:) .so apparently there's the "4 Fs" rule of gallbladder removal, never knew. Its Female, 40, fertile and fat, im only female an fertile so a big thanks to lupus for having to suffer from unbelievable abdominal pain and having to have this very rough surgery to have mine removed at the ripe old age of 34! Oh lupus ;)
Another saying is 'Fair, fat and forty" Bet you'll feel better now that your gallbladder is out.
Congratulations! Life without a gall bladder is great. I had mine out over 10 years ago and haven’t missed it one day. I eat whatever I want, somehow my body has figured out how to digest whatever the bile was digesting. And NO MORE ABD PAIN!
Great, sounds like it was a really good surgery and hopefully you will have 1 less problem!! You are just so young to be so miserable. Glad one doctor is on the ball!
Hugs to you!
Glad to hear your surgery went well yes get a new doctor you need the best care you can get hope you recover well
enjoy your Mother’s Day weekend
Thanks friends:) Im so thankful for your never ending support! Finally just ate some delicious soup, I was starving lol…im really struggling with my breathing, I can’t even talk right now:( mr friend dr jenn is hooking me up with oxygen next week and I’m sooooo excited! ! I used to get excited about girls night out or walking the mall with my daughter but how times have changed
Feel better!!! Hope you aren’t still too uncomfortable with the post op!
Abdominal pain, rash and seizures were my 1st symptoms of sweet ole lupus back in 1990 was actually my first symptom… At 15 years old my gallbladder just went for no reason… Baffled, due to the “4 F’s”- (FIFTEEN- though- not 40!) and “Far from fat” as opposed to fat! At that point they thought I had Lyme Disease & I was stuck in the hospital for about 1 yr & 3 mo.
I’m now 38 (was told last year that I may not see 38 if I didn’t try a study, but I will be 38 1/2 soon! Guess the dr didn’t know how stubborn I am!). I get abdominal pain now, but it’s from lymph nodes blocking my pancreatic duct (& in my opinion side effects of meds)… But at least we know it’s not the gallbladder!
Feel better babe! Happy world lupus day too! Xo
Welcome home, glad it went so well, hope the pleurisy and asthma clear up. My gall bladder surgery didn't fit those 4 F's either. I was thin and 19. Blaming it on Lupus too. Be gentle on yourself for a month. No heavy lifting or rough activity.
I am very happy for you much love lupus family
I’ve had 4 women in my family have to have theirs removed and none of them fit all 4 F categories. None have autoimmune issues either. I’m just glad you are healing and it was a fairly smooth OP process.
I am so happy to hear you are doing well! I had to have my gallbladder removed when I was 24! I was thin and Fertile! Today I can still remember that pain! It was terrible. Mine was to the point I just wanted to cut open my stomach and pull out what hurt!
Because I was only 24 and thin the doctors could not diagnose me, and therefore I suffered for three years! I was hospitalized 11 times in one year for the pain. They did exploratory surgery and also found a tumor on my liver the size of a golfball. Non of which ever showed on any testing they did. They resected 40% my liver at the same time. The tumor was a benign adenoma, thank goodness! 1 in 200,0000 ever get it and it’s from taking birth control. Of course my surgery was an open surgery and After 14 days in the hospital I came home.
Best of luck and I hope you are up and around soon!