Just diagnosed in January and started meds a couple months ago . Well my Rhuemotologist just moved and I had a bad flare up so seen the new Dr yesterday. She educated me on Fibro, Lupus, Sjorens. As if I didn’t do any research. She says for sure I have Fibro and need to exercise and do water thErapy because she doesn’t like to medicate. And she s on the fence as to me having Lupus my blood work shows signs but my body doesn’t look like it. So why am I on 400mg plaqenil and flexerol and melexicam… I’m so frustrated… How can 1 Dr say I have Lupus and medicate me and another in the same office not so sure.
Although plaquenil is for autoimmune dz flexeril and Mobic are not- they can be prescribed for a multitude of problems The disagreement on a lupus dx is common and oh so frustrating too