Does fatigue come on quickly for you?

I could have written this post. That is exactly where I am with this disease. Thankfully I got disability 3 years ago and don’t have to deal with work. Your symptoms are mine. It can hit in one minute. I can feel pretty well, go to the store, and by the time I’m done with a quick shopping I can barely walk. My legs feel so heavy and the soreness/fatigue hits. However, I don’t even have to go to the store. I can feel relatively well and it literally just hits. I’m in bed until it decides I’m done. I know it is totally necessary to “just go with it” but it’s so depressing having to spend so much of my life in bed “resting”. You are not alone.

Fatigue is one of my biggest problems. I can get up and feel great but a few hours later ZAP. My only recourse is to lie down and sleep. If I'm out in public I crash quick and have been known to have to lay down in the back seat while I'm driven home. I feel I spend more time in bed sleeping or resting then I do getting on with my life. Is there anything out there that can help with this?

I fight this very same thing. It’s a struggle just to keep going. It’s really robbed me of my life!! Looking for something to help--------:((

I'm finding that I get exhausted just getting out of bed. I have started having my husband put on the inner sleeve for my prosthesis before he leaves for work or I wouldn't be able to get out of bed. This has hit me so fast and hard I'm not sure which way is up. I have to admit that I'm in the middle of my first big flare after a bad fall and have no prior experience in all of this so I'm a bit scared and worried that I'm not going to get out of it.

After being outside in the sun, when I come inside it hits so hard I can't even hold my eyes open. I have to go and sleep for awhile. It also hits other times too, but especially hard after being in the sun.

SUN is our enemy....only go out before 10 am, after 5 pm. And 'then' wear sunblock, and if you live near a place that sells sunblock clothes. Columbia, and sunbrella make clothes with sunblock in them....always wear a hat.

Let's all take care of ourselves. Have a great week....

I was finally given a script for Modafinil because I was falling asleep when I was driving. When I told the doctor that that was happening, he pulled out his prescription pad and wrote it right up. He told me I needed to keep working so that would help me stay more alert! It worked great for awhile, 200 mg, twice a day, but not as much anymore.

Cathy In MD

Yes I get fatigue that comes on quickly. Usually lasts about a week at minimum and one day I will just wake up and have motivation to do things that need to get done. I will have energy for work as well. But those good days only last a couple days before fatigue hits again. Do your best to stay positive. I try to stay focused on one or two important things that need to get done. That way I can complete those tasks.

Today I am too tired to get out of bed. Yestferday I quietly celebrated 4 straight days feeling good and able to spend quiet time with my family. I did some short errands and rested each afternoon. Today I made chicken salad for a lunch sandwich. After, as I walked towards my bedroom, I could feel my whole body shake. I was glad to reach my bed. I look forward to being up again in a few days.

Before I was diagnosed with lupus, I often felt very, very fatigued and I didn't think much of it because I had no idea I was sick. Since I spent a week in the hospital and got diagnosed with lupus, I feel EXTREMELY fatigued almost every day. Sometimes my eyes burn just from having to be awake. Even after a full night's rest I don't always wake up feeling refreshed, which starts my day off kind of crappy. Fatigue is typically my pain problem when it comes to having lupus. I hope you are managing yours better these days.

Hi Lilac83,

Yes I to get this sudden fatigue for no apparent reason. From what I've seen here on this site and others this fatigue and other symptoms are common to Lupus and Sjorgren's as well. From my experience this symptom can come on without warning and yet some times it can come on slowly. It can last from a few hours to a few days to a week and then leave

as suddenly as it appeared. As far as what to do about it is a good question the answer to which I am still seeking. Please

be kind to yourself and be well.


I have fatigue just about every day. My mornings are usually good but in early afternoon it hits me just about evety day. Sometimes i have to struggle through it because i’m not at home. When i get home i go right to bed