Do You Wish That You Could Communicate Better with Others About Lupus?

The people at GlaskoSmithKline are trying to make it easier for people with lupus to share their symptoms with their physicians, their family, and their friends.

I do not think that their effort is perfect.

Since they make and market Benlysta, among other drugs taken by people with lupus, I am sure that they are motivated by a desire for profit.

But WOW-In their survey 87% of the people with lupus minimized their symptoms to family members!

52% of them minimized their symptoms to their docs.

Aren't those great numbers to have at your command the next time someone makes the mistake of comparing you to another person with lupus?

So check out each of the pages on the lupuscheck website. Http://

Get your checklist

Get your journal - if you live outside the US

Contact GSK and tell them how you feel about being overlooked

If any of the tools the offer help you to communicate better with people please share your story. I need some stories about successful right about now.

Do you wear a mask to hide how you truly feel? This commercial is directed at us - at people who have lupus. Check ou the other tools and let's talk about them. Maybe we can fill out their questions. We can surely tell them where they went wrong. Can't you see the headline? Ben's Friends LWL Speak out on GSK portrayal of communication issues.

Well having had this disease for 1/2 century I not sure that focusing on every little ache pain and tiredness is the way to go At some point you need to accept your illness and learn to work with what you have Having had migraines for 30 years which have been worked up and are under medical care it would never occur to me to waste my doctors time telling him I had 3 HA in the last 4 months lasting about 2 hours etc etc etc I would remark if something was different but not on routine daily difficulties that come both with this illness and aging. Usually when I go I remark something like "Nothing exciting going on"but not an exhaustive list of all my ailments. If something changes I tell him of the change. I do not find the list particularly sophisticated

My doctor gives me a 2 page list to fill out when I go in and you answer on a scale of 1-10 she then looks at the others I have filled out every thing goes on a graph so she can see if their is a difference. The down side to the commercial is 3 of the doctors I am friends with say their has been an increase in people coming in saying they have lupus and wanting to no about disability before they are even tested. I hide things from my family. I am going to the site above and will get back to you.