Good morning all. So at my last rheumy appt he took 8 vials of blood to check for spondylorapathies. The hla b27 was negative. The inflammatory bowel disease came back not likely. However, the VEGF was high at 464. I asked him about this in an email and he said he will be repeating that test on the next follow up.
Do you know anything about this VEGF? When I look it up its scarey. It’s all about cancer and rumors. There is some info that I found that says that VEGF can be high in RA patients. But the majority of the info is cancer related.
On to the rant…I was feeling a little better and wham…this morning I feel like I got hit by a truck! Yesterday, I started getting weepy on and off all afternoon for no reason. I could’ve sat and cried like someone died if I was alone. The whole family was home so I had to pull it together. I just feel soooooooooo alone sometimes. It’s horrible. I know it’s over reacting but I can’t get out of it when I feel like that. I went to bed at 8, fell right to sleep, couldn’t wake up this morn, and feel sooo tired and everything hurts. Just when I thought I was starting to feel a little better
Something positive: I found out that our ins co covers acupuncture. I’ve always wanted to do that. I’m going today. Has anyone tried it? What was your experience?