Are You Taking Plaquenil? Are You Getting Your Eyes Screened?

I have an appointment with my opthalmologist on Thursday. So, while my head hurts and I am having a hard time seeing I thought I would ask my third favorite question.

If you are taking Plaquenil, how often are you getting your eyes screened.

Purplebutterfly gave us a link to the new guidelines last August.

And I looked back at an old discussion to remind myself who I am praying for when I ask blessings for those with retinapathy.

I am fighting the return of cataracts. Lupus meds -can't live without them and can't live side effect free with them.

How are the eyes my friends?

An Old Discussion

The New Guidelines

Plaquenil doesnt cause cataracts does it??

I go for the eye screening twice a year, (every six months) full eye dilation, screening and retina damage check. This last year, I could not go, due to canceled medical insurance, (former employer) and limited funds. But, I intend to resume the eye checks this winter.

I get the retina photos done once a year and the slit lamp exam and visual field test twice a year. Regular eye exams are once a year. I’m sorry you have cataracts again. My mom is having hers removed this summer but she’s never taken plaquenil just methotrexate. Good luck!

I go the end of the month. My doctor called to remind me of the appt and i told them i lost my insurance and would not be able to keep the appt. They called back the next day with a reduced price that i can make payments on. I was so happy.

I just started taking it about 3 weeks ago. My rheumatologist prescribed it but referred me to an opthamologist first and told me to only fill it if the opthamologist said it was ok. I have been recently diagnosed and I googled so much about my disease that it was overwhelming at times. Especially since the disease and treatments react differently on everyone. Ofcourse also what to expect and It was a bit stressful. But thank God I found this support group because just reading medical facts and what to expect and life expectation of a patient with LUPUS SLE was just plain scary. So I am very thankful to God that I found this group hearing from your experiences with medications, treatments and over all dealing with symptoms and flares just the knowledge you all have makes me feel so much better a bit more prepared. On the 31 I will see my Rheumotologist for the second time since I was diagnosed and from reading and learning so much from all of you I already have a list of questions for him. I am very thankful to God that he blessed me with such a wise and experienced Set of doctors so far and now with all of you that are kind enough to share your knowledge as well, really helps out a lot. I pray that he keeps blessing us with the strength to keep dealing with every symptom and flares as they come and take it one day at a time and support of our families and now you guys. God bless you all and hope that that he blesses every single one of you and the ones that don’t know about this site and are as lost and overwhelmed as I was. So thank you all so much and God bless you.

i am advised to get my eyes screened every 6 months.

Dear Ann,
I understand your concern regarding all the Lupus meds. I have been on Plaquinal , Predisone and Immuran since 2002 . I see my eye doctor every six months. I asked him once, how many people he has treated who had problems with Plaquinal ? His answer was one. My suggestion would be to discuss your concerns with your Rheumatologist and Othamologist, measure your pros and cans, then with your questions answered, make priorities. Wishing you the very best. Your friend.

I forgot to add that I have been taking it since 1982. The only time I stopped was to have my kids. So being on it for long periods of time doesn’t seem to cause problems if you can tolerate it to begin with. I’ve never heard of cataracts being related but I will check into it.

Ann, methotrexate can also cause them or at least make them progress faster. I’ve been having to do research for my mom as she has so much trouble reading because of hers. I worry about her driving.

I have been advised to have eye exams every 6 months

little old me said:.

Plaquenil doesnt cause cataracts does it??