Any runners with lupus out there?

Hi all! I was a distance runner before being diagnosed with lupus. Even before being diagnosed, I was going downhill. I now can only force myself to walk 3 miles 4x a week and run 3 miles 3x a week. That may sound like a lot, but it isn't compared to what I used to do. I hear running isn't good for lupus patients. It makes me very tired, but I am so used to it and it has become a part of me. I don't want to give it up. I am managing okay for now, but I am worried about the repercussions if I push myself too hard. Any die hard runners out there still plugging away and can relate?

Hi Jennifer,

I hope someone gets back to you who enjoys running like yourself but in time you will need to slow your pace because of making your symptoms feel worse.

If you can get into that's excellent activity for Lupus besides keeping the muscles toned which is important to us. xxx

Hi Jennifer,

I've never been a long distance runner but I used to row regularly, go for week-long backpacking trips and do lots of hiking and biking. I still walk every day and go to the gym a couple of times a week but I can no longer row or go on backpacking trips. If I push myself too hard I end up with a flare so I've had to learn to lower my expectations. Not easy to do when I've always been so active. I just went on a 2-hr hike today and I'm hoping I feel well enough tomorrow morning to go into work. Listen to your body, experiment with activity levels and keep track of how you feel in the week after pushing yourself. Good luck with staying healthy!

Very inspiring....thank you!

Hello Jennifer,

I'm pleased member's have been able to help you nd how you feeling in your health since you joined?

Terri xxx

Jenniferforhealing said:

Very inspiring....thank you!

I am doing alright, Terri. Thanks for asking. I am in the midst of a flare right now, but holding up alright. Fortunately my lupus has been relatively mild in general. I am just happy to know there are others out there who can really relate to how I feel and what I am dealing with. Thanks so much!

Tez_20 said:

Hello Jennifer,

I'm pleased member's have been able to help you nd how you feeling in your health since you joined?

Terri xxx

Jenniferforhealing said:

Very inspiring....thank you!

Hello Jennifer,

I'm pleased your lupus is relatively mild but sorry to hear you've got a flare going on...they're such a pain at times but if you have strong mentality to fight it you'll get through it, what knocks me about is chronic flares where alot of issues come combined and those do knock you about, this one that's just gone lasted 2wks the last one went into 7wks and it drove me mad because the pain gets so severe.

Yes all member's can relate to what your going through and i'd be lost for one without you all because even though we have family close to we, it's not the same as talking with other's sharing the same experience.

I'm thinking of you dearly and how your flare goes soon.

All my love to you Terri xxx

Jenniferforhealing said:

I am doing alright, Terri. Thanks for asking. I am in the midst of a flare right now, but holding up alright. Fortunately my lupus has been relatively mild in general. I am just happy to know there are others out there who can really relate to how I feel and what I am dealing with. Thanks so much!

Tez_20 said:

Hello Jennifer,

I'm pleased member's have been able to help you nd how you feeling in your health since you joined?

Terri xxx

Jenniferforhealing said:

Very inspiring....thank you!