What Do I Eat Now?

Thank you for the coursera and kahnacademy links. Wow!

You have to hold on.

I do find my palette has changed.

I still enjoy sugar- I have not managed to completely kick sugar.

But regular coke pretty much tastes like gasoline to me (the corn syrup- ick!).

And more importantly for me, real food actually tastes good to me now.

I used to only like junk. and i don't like this that are too salty. Or have a ton of flaovring, like doritos, which I used to eat compulsively in college (just if I opened a bag, i'd eat the whole thing. I didn't ahve them often, but couldn't control myself when i did).

There are "trigger foods" for people like me where you really can't have just one. They are designed that way by chemists in labs, to sell more food and increase profits for food companies. These are the foods I just have to not have.

And then of course there are the foods I'm allergic to/ intolerant of: gluten, dairy, shrimp. So I just don't have those either.

It took me several tries to quit the problem foods and I'm still learning to widen my "cooking" skills (some of it is just chopping up vegetables or fruit, or making smoothie, so not technically cooking). It can be inconvenient to bring my own food to parties, but I've decided what's really inonvenient is being sick. And I am not at this time, nor have I been in some time, sick. So one day at a time, I stay healthy by making good eating choices. AND getting enough rest.

Hi Kim,

I feel so much better since I have gone gluten-free (okay so once in a while I cheat) but stick primarily to gluten-free. We have a group for different dieting tips on this site that I certainly recommend checking out. There are so many new gluten-free items out there that are really quite good. The group has several different flour mixtures for whatever it is you may be making from baking to frying. Even my husband has switched and many of the things that he makes, i.e. noodles, pie crusts, etc are actually better.

The other thing I have done is replaced dairy milk with Almond milk. I used to drink soy milk until I read about the weight gain associated with it.

The things that I have noticed is that even though I have been on high doses of Prednisone I have lost a lot of weight which is not the way that steroids usually affect the body. The other thing is that many of my lupus meds upset my stomach, and my diet change has helped a ton with nausea, gas, bloating, vomiting, etc.

Anyway, these have worked for me and it looks like you have gotten some great ideas. I hope some of these work for you.

Good health,
