Recently diagnosed

You are not alone. I was diagnosed 3.5 years ago and I had 2 heart attacks in 2012. Was recently diagnosed with RA this summer. I am 40 never married, no children. Some days my circumstances bother me then other days I am ok with the hand I've been dealt. The beauty of this site is that whatever day it is for me I can come here read about someone having a similar day or come here and ask a simple question.

Not alone theres a reason u lived to diagnosed at 4

Thank you all so much for the encouragement during this difficult time for me. Having a heart attack due to lupus at 19 years of age has definitely opened my eyes and has definitely given me a wake up call. It’s just so overwhelming that knowing I can have another heart attack at any given moment and it’s driving me insane. But, I sincerely do appreciate all of you in this community to give me your wisdom in my time of great need. You all are so amazing I can’t even explain. thank you all so much. God bless you all and have a wonderful merry Christmas and a happy New year

Hi Robert hope that you are doing well! Relaxe and REST as much as possible you can fight this Lupus, many of us have…Beverly L.