
They know, I have lupus. They make me feel guilty if I don’t have the energy.
I fake it. Why drag them down,
they don’t deserve this too

You don't deserve it either. None of us do but it is life. We all need to learn our lessons here on earth so why not let your family learn their lessons. You can't give them a perfect world nor should you. They may need to start learning that their mom is a human being that needs help. There is nothing wrong with leaning to give as well as take. I'm sorry if I seem too straight forward but I have never understood making everyone else have a wonderful life while you struggle. I was raised to help with everything and with the knowledge that some people have a harder life then what I do. We raised our sons the same way and they are wonderful men that are very tolerant of others. Now, the oldest one has fibro and we don't know what else but is racked by chronic pain and also metabolizes all kinds of narcotics and anesthesia very, very quickly so nothing helps for very long. His son who is almost 10 understands me and his dad and has a great big heart and tries to be very helpful and is very loving. And yet this son still coaches little league and takes care of the fields as a volunteer. He mows, moves dirt around, painted the dugouts, etc, He works for the largest credit card banking institution as a VP. He does not like what is happening to him but he knows that he has to cope and teach his son about life. My point: Let your family have the opportunity to step up to the plate. Even if they don't now hopefully someday they will. I don't take all the credit for how my sons turned out... in fact I think most of the credit goes to a higher power. Your job is to take care of yourself and the body that has been given to you. In turn you will be giving others opportunities to help and grow . Good luck and find a doctor soon. Gentle hugs,

angela said:

They know, I have lupus. They make me feel guilty if I don't have the energy.
I fake it. Why drag them down,
they don't deserve this too


Who do you turn to for emotional support? I'm very concerned about you. Please try one thing that all of these wonderful members have suggested. Let us know how it goes.

You have to hold on and reach out.

Great words of advice & hard learned wisdom. I hope you are able to take something from all the comments & find an easier more workable path for yourself. Best Wishes to you. Kaz xo


Is there a reason why you haven't seen a doc? The damage to your organs and such can happen quickly and cannot be ignored.

I also think it's important that you are honest with your family. And not that I mean whine and complain every day, but tell them what a typical day is like for you so that they have an understanding.

Like Louise, I will send you a friend request and you can speak with any of us any time for any reason. We are all here for you. This is a difficult issue and it's important that you not ignore it and just try to "tough it out". Many of the OTC meds can cause organ damage that will only compound your lupus.

Big Hugs,


Thank you guys so much! I have a doctor appointment in October, I have tried talking to my family and it makes me feel weak like I’m not in charge of myself! Why worry anyone else! I take meds for depression, they seem to help. Hoping for good day for all of us! Hugs!!