I thought the medicines would help also, but I can't get unwind either if I do, its only for one or two hours and its up all night after that. GOOD LUCK. Many blessings and hugs
Heather , hang in there it is only for a moment that weLiving with LUPUS have to go through this pain and uffering !!! Kep yourFAITH and stand strng ... Bverly L.
P.S. tellyour husband that he has to find another wayof sleeping .. LOL it worked for me with my friend , he now put th pillows btween us ... LOL
Heather said:
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I think I just got out of a flare but the fatigue is so aggravating. I think that when I do stuff during the day I have a hard time with sleep. I think I should be tired but I am figuring out that my body is going to feel the opposite. And now my epidural shot for my back issues has wore off so any way I turn at night it hurts. I feel like i am being mean to my husband by sleeping on the couch. Since if I sleep in bed he puts a leg on my back and when I wake up I am in the worst pain and no drug can help it. I just hope that when my Medicare kicks in July then I can get the Ned's my Medicaid won't cover and I can feel better. I am sorry about the complaints it feels like that's all I do but I can't looks it in any longer it's making my OCD insane!!!
Beverly L. said:I think it's both !!! ome days i cn be very tired and can fall asleep quckl and then there are other days am upall day and nite without sleep 2-3 days at a time .. So maybe it's both, am going to ask the doctor when i visit him the next time this is CRAZIE. At first i thought it wasme , but i see/ hear that's happening to jst about everyone dealing with LUPUS. Whatever th case is i hope that it stop soon ...LOL.. Beverly L.
Unshoreandscared said:It seems like not sleeping is part of Lupus. Is it a Lupus flare or just unrest due to activity in the body? Any thoughts